Python scripts for reading/writing Start Trek Armada SOD model files.
custom SOD parser/builder without external dependencies
sod_io = SodIO() #
# parse sod file
file_path = 'D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Activision\\Star Trek Armada II\\SOD\\fbattle.sod'
sod: Sod = sod_io.read_file(file_path)
# export sod as json
with open('../dump/fbattle.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(sod.to_dict(), outfile)
# write sod obj to file
sod_io.write_file(sod, '../dump/fbattle.sod')
SOD parser/builder script using the construct library
from construct import *
from sod_construct_io import sod_format
file_path = 'D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Activision\\Star Trek Armada II\\SOD\\fconst.sod'
with open(file_path, 'rb') as binary_io:
sod_container: Container = sod_format.parse_stream(binary_io)
version: float = sod_container.get("version")
data: Container = sod_container.get("data")
nodes: ListContainer = data.get("nodes")
sod_format.build_file({...}, '../dump/fconst.sod')
Supported SOD Versions:
- 1.6
- 1.7
- 1.8
- 1.90, 1.91, 1.92, 1.93
mileage may vary 🤷
Try it out and let me know what doesn't works.
Import SOD models with all the hardpoints, etc.
Blender Version: 2.8.x
- add sod export capability
- add animation import/export
- remove hacky import & make it a proper addon
Returns a dict containing the compiled result of an odf including all parent odfs.