Calculates distance traveled by the mouse in the OSL chamber as well as plotting the pathway on a graph.
Download the file/copy paste the file onto a python program reader (I like Visual Code Studio, but I am sure other source-code editors will be feasible)
- Be sure to download all of the python libraries needed for this program using the "pip3 install [name of library]" command in the terminal if you're using a Mac.
- Simply run the program and complete prompts it may ask such as :
- "Dropping your CSV file into the prompt or finding it in your folder."
- "Inputting your Video filed that's masked INTO the script - this will serve as the background for the plot that's created"
- "Inputting your conversion factor (most likely 0.035 - value derived from length of OSL chamber in inches divided by length of OSL chamber in screen units [45.72 inches divided by 1300 screen units)
- "Inputting the Mouse_ID."
- Click the save button on the bottom right of the plot popup to determine if you would like to save it.