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An open-source React.js package for seamless file manager integration, offering a user-friendly interface for viewing, uploading, and deleting files with full UI and backend support.


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React File Manager

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An open-source React.js package for easy integration of a file manager into applications. It provides a user-friendly interface for managing files and folders, including viewing, uploading, and deleting, with full UI and backend integration.

✨ Features

  • File & Folder Management: View, upload, download, delete, copy, move, create, and rename files or folders seamlessly.
  • Grid & List View: Switch between grid and list views to browse files in your preferred layout.
  • Navigation: Use the breadcrumb trail and sidebar navigation pane for quick directory traversal.
  • Toolbar & Context Menu: Access all common actions (upload, download, delete, copy, move, rename, etc.) via the toolbar or right-click for the same options in the context menu.
  • Multi-Selection: Select multiple files and folders at once to perform bulk actions like delete, copy, move, or download.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Quickly perform file operations like copy, paste, delete, and more using intuitive keyboard shortcuts.
  • Drag-and-Drop: Move selected files and folders by dragging them to the desired directory, making file organization effortless.

React File Manager

🚀 Installation

To install React File Manager, use the following command:

npm i @cubone/react-file-manager

💻 Usage

Here’s a basic example of how to use the File Manager Component in your React application:

import { useState } from "react";
import { FileManager } from "@cubone/react-file-manager";
import "@cubone/react-file-manager/dist/style.css";

function App() {
  const [files, setFiles] = useState([
      name: "Documents",
      isDirectory: true, // Folder
      path: "/Documents", // Located in Root directory
      updatedAt: "2024-09-09T10:30:00Z", // Last updated time
      name: "Pictures",
      isDirectory: true,
      path: "/Pictures", // Located in Root directory as well
      updatedAt: "2024-09-09T11:00:00Z",
      name: "Pic.png",
      isDirectory: false, // File
      path: "/Pictures/Pic.png", // Located inside the "Pictures" folder
      updatedAt: "2024-09-08T16:45:00Z",
      size: 2048, // File size in bytes (example: 2 KB)

  return (
      <FileManager files={files} />

export default App;

📂 File Structure

The files prop accepts an array of objects, where each object represents a file or folder. You can customize the structure to meet your application needs. Each file or folder object follows the structure detailed below:

type File = {
  name: string;
  isDirectory: boolean;
  path: string;
  updatedAt?: string; // Optional: Last update timestamp in ISO 8601 format
  size?: number; // Optional: File size in bytes (only applicable for files)

⚙️ Props

Name Type Description
acceptedFileTypes string (Optional) A comma-separated list of allowed file extensions for uploading specific file types (e.g., .txt, .png, .pdf). If omitted, all file types are accepted.
enableFilePreview boolean A boolean flag indicating whether to use the default file previewer in the file manager default: true.
filePreviewPath string The base URL for file previews e.g., file path will be appended automatically to it i.e.
filePreviewComponent (file: File) => React.ReactNode (Optional) A callback function that provides a custom file preview. It receives the selected file as its argument and must return a valid React node, JSX element, or HTML. Use this prop to override the default file preview behavior. Example: Custom Preview Usage.
fileUploadConfig { url: string; headers?: { [key: string]: string } } Configuration object for file uploads. It includes the upload URL (url) and an optional headers object for setting custom HTTP headers in the upload request. The headers object can accept any standard or custom headers required by the server. Example: { url: "", headers: { Authorization: "Bearer" + TOKEN, "X-Custom-Header": "value" } }
files Array<File> An array of file and folder objects representing the current directory structure. Each object includes name, isDirectory, and path properties.
fontFamily string The font family to be used throughout the component. Accepts any valid CSS font family (e.g., 'Arial, sans-serif', 'Roboto'). You can customize the font styling to match your application's theme. default: 'Nunito Sans, sans-serif'.
height string | number The height of the component default: 600px. Can be a string (e.g., '100%', '10rem') or a number (in pixels).
initialPath string The path of the directory to be loaded initially e.g. /Documents. This should be the path of a folder which is included in files array. Default value is ""
isLoading boolean A boolean state indicating whether the application is currently performing an operation, such as creating, renaming, or deleting a file/folder. Displays a loading state if set true.
layout "list" | "grid" Specifies the default layout style for the file manager. Can be either "list" or "grid". Default value is "grid".
maxFileSize number For limiting the maximum upload file size in bytes.
onCreateFolder (name: string, parentFolder: File) => void A callback function triggered when a new folder is created. Use this function to update the files state to include the new folder under the specified parent folder using create folder API call to your server.
onDelete (files: Array<File>) => void A callback function is triggered when one or more files or folders are deleted.
onDownload (files: Array<File>) => void A callback function triggered when one or more files or folders are downloaded.
onError (error: { type: string, message: string }, file: File) => void A callback function triggered whenever there is an error in the file manager. Where error is an object containing type ("upload", etc.) and a descriptive error message.
onFileOpen (file: File) => void A callback function triggered when a file or folder is opened.
onFileUploaded (response: { [key: string]: any }) => void A callback function triggered after a file is successfully uploaded. Provides JSON response holding uploaded file details, use it to extract the uploaded file details and add it to the files state e.g. setFiles((prev) => [...prev, JSON.parse(response)]);
onFileUploading (file: File, parentFolder: File) => { [key: string]: any } A callback function triggered during the file upload process. You can also return an object with key-value pairs that will be appended to the FormData along with the file being uploaded. The object can contain any number of valid properties.
onLayoutChange (layout: "list" | "grid") => void A callback function triggered when the layout of the file manager is changed.
onPaste (files: Array<File>, destinationFolder: File, operationType: "copy" | "move") => void A callback function triggered when when one or more files or folders are pasted into a new location. Depending on operationType, use this to either copy or move the sourceItem to the destinationFolder, updating the files state accordingly.
onRefresh () => void A callback function triggered when the file manager is refreshed. Use this to refresh the files state to reflect any changes or updates.
onRename (file: File, newName: string) => void A callback function triggered when a file or folder is renamed.
primaryColor string The primary color for the component's theme. Accepts any valid CSS color format (e.g., 'blue', '#E97451', 'rgb(52, 152, 219)'). This color will be applied to buttons, highlights, and other key elements. default: #6155b4.
width string | number The width of the component default: 100%. Can be a string (e.g., '100%', '10rem') or a number (in pixels).

⌨️ Keyboard Shortcuts

Action Shortcut
New Folder Alt + Shift + N
Upload Files CTRL + U
Cut CTRL + X
Copy CTRL + C
Paste CTRL + V
Rename F2
Download CTRL + D
Delete DEL
Select All Files CTRL + A
Select Multiple Files CTRL + Click
Select Range of Files Shift + Click
Switch to List Layout CTRL + Shift + 1
Switch to Grid Layout CTRL + Shift + 2
Jump to First File in the List Home
Jump to Last File in the List End
Refresh File List F5
Clear Selection Esc

Custom File Preview

The FileManager component allows you to provide a custom file preview by passing the filePreviewComponent prop. This is an optional callback function that receives the selected file as an argument and must return a valid React node, JSX element, or HTML.

Usage Example

const CustomImagePreviewer = ({ file }) => {
  return <img src={`${file.path}`} alt={} />;

  // Other props...
  filePreviewComponent={(file) => <CustomImagePreviewer file={file} />}

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! To contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/branch-name).
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature').
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/branch-name).
  6. Open a Pull Request.

Get started by running following commands:

git clone
cd react-file-manager


cd frontend
npm i
npm run dev

The application should now be running on http://localhost:5173.


cd backend
npm i
npm run devStart

The server should now be running on http://localhost:3000, have fun!

©️ License

React File Manager is MIT Licensed.


An open-source React.js package for seamless file manager integration, offering a user-friendly interface for viewing, uploading, and deleting files with full UI and backend support.







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