Vimproviser was designed to repeat motions.
Vimproviser provides commands and mappings that allow for a quick remapping of two of your most convenient keys to actions that are most important for you right now.
Map some convenient keys to Vimproviser mappings
nmap h <plug>(vimproviser-left)
nmap l <plug>(vimproviser-right)
Run the command to choose situational mappings for h
and l
For example:
:VimproviserMap QuickFix
will remap h
to :cprevious<cr>
and l
to :cnext<cr>
Try other arguments
" :bprevious and :bnext
:VimproviserMap Buffers
" @h and @l -- improvise away!
:VimproviserMap Macros
" h and l -- boooring
:VimproviserMap Characters
Use <c-d>
(:h cmdline-completion
) to see all available options.
Triggers are just actions connected to some pair.
will perform an equivalent of
VimproviserMap Pair
for the last pair that was triggered.
Define a bunch of triggers for pairs:
let g:vimproviser_triggers = {
\ 'Changes': ['g;', 'g,'],
\ 'Characters': ['<left>', '<right>'],
\ 'Macros': ['@h', '@l'],
Now imagine you need to go deep into the changes you made recently,
hit g;
as usual,
then VimproviserLast
now you can use h
and l
to go back and forth.
Read the documentation in :h vimproviser-quick-start
Vimproviser is partly inspired by unimpaired.vim. They work together nicely!