MongoDB database exports: diabetes_thesis/mongo_exports
- myapp.js : main code
- /models/user.js : mongo models
- /views : contains .ejs templates (html pages)
- /static : contains all static content such as css, js, icons, fonts etc
Run app
- Install npm modules
- $systemctl start mongod.service
- Run make file using command : $ make
- URL: localhost:3000/
Run Docker
- $sudo docker build . -t thesis/node-web-app
- $sudo docker-compose up
Stop docker-compose: $sudo docker-compose down
When JSON export files are updated, It is important to delete the 'data' directory of the source directory before rebuilding docker
Clear unused docker image data: $sudo docker system prune
Sources Chatbot Base UI
Acknowledgment This work is funded by the "Food Nutrition Security Cloud (FNS-Cloud). The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme (H2020-EU. – sustainable and competitive agri-food industry) under Grant Agreement No. 863059.