Run A Relay is a web app that gives you simple instructions for running a relay for the Tor anonymity network!
Our goal is to dramatically increase the capacity of the Tor network. This will make browsing the web through Tor even faster, and enable Tor to protect even more people -- millions per day and counting!
(1) By helping you select which server hosting providers to consider (based on a number of factors; see below), and
(2) By telling you which command(s) to run to stand up your relay.
TODO(elimisteve): Say something about helping them choose which OS to use if we indeed add this feature.
Based on a number of factors:
(1) The information crowdsourced by the Tor community onto Tor's wiki, and
(2) Which providers are already commonly used to run relays as measured by Tor Metrics.
git clone
cd run-a-relay
npm install
npm run dev
Then just visit localhost:5000!
- Font Awesome by Dave Gandy - / CC BY-SA
- Github Logo by LOGO WINE -
Steve Phillips / @elimisteve, privacy activist and Founder of EffectiveAF
- Lead developer and hoster of LeapChat: end-to-end encrypted, ephemeral chat in the browser
Tim Sullivan / @timsully, UI/human factors engineer at Splunk
We ❤️ Tor!