A demo application using Clojure.
This project is inspired by rexim's tore project; an application of reminders and notifications. Our focus is on showing the reminders in the browser via server-side rendered HTML.
- datomic - Database Management
- http-kit - HTTP Server
- init - Dependency Injection
- ring - HTTP Framework
- rum - HTML Rendering
We are currently grabbing our CSS from rexim's project.
Run the development REPL and start the server:
$ clj -M:dev
user=> (go)
You may want to run clj -M:dev:cider
or clj -M:dev:nrepl
instead depending
on your editor of choice.
Run in production mode:
$ clojure -M:run
Format the code:
$ clojure -M:format fix
You can also run clojure -M:format
for additional options. We use cljstyle
for formatting, and it is recommended that you install the CLI version if
you plan on hooking this up to your editor.
Run this command to build an uberjar:
$ clojure -T:build uberjar
Run that uberjar:
$ java -jar target/clore/clore-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar