- Repository with codes and documents about my MS Thesis at Tor Vergata
- Updated to: 19/10/23
- PyDeep: script with the classifier CNN initialisation and study
- PyDRN: script with the denoiser CNN initialisation and study
- PyLTSim: script with the initialisation, simulation and injection modules
- PySpectr: script with the modules for generating the spectrograms images
- PyUtils: script with useful modules
- Image_generation: script in which the images for the denoiser and the classifier are generated
- DnsResNet_model_analysis: script in which the denoiser is called, trained and analyzed
- GWResNet_model_analysis: script in which the classifier is called, trained and analyzed
- LongTransient_Simulation_and_Injection_tutorial: script with the tutorial for long transient gravitational signals simulation and injection
- Python distr.: Anaconda
- Python version: 3.9.18
- For each library the last updated stable version is used
- numpy
- scipy
- matplotlib.pyplot
- astropy
- pandas
- random
- pathlib
- os
- tqdm
- torch
- torchvision
- subprocess
- joblib
- astroML
- pdb
- cv2
- shutil
- hdf5storage