Ofir and Eden Project of link prediction
- Choose a research question (30/1)
- Get some background (papers) (Mid-late feb)
- Set up environment + data (End of Jan)
- Exploratory data analysis (Beginning of March)
- ML model (Done by end of June)
- Deliverables
- Matan - PhD student: background, microbial data, network analysis
- Itamar - BSc student: data, parasite data
- Barry - Code developer: ML models
- Take a look at our lab toolbox repository: https://github.com/Ecological-Complexity-Lab/lab_toolbox
- R for Data Science (2e) https://r4ds.hadley.nz/preface-2e
- Go through 1-2 exercises in DS. Start with Whole Game in the DS book
- Kaggle: Collection of Jupyter notebooks for data science. Example for EDA: https://www.kaggle.com/code/kanncaa1/dataiteam-titanic-eda
- Course assignments and dates.
- Talk to Chen
- Geut - space + computers