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Monolayer directed network with node attributes
A binary directed food web from Mouritsen KN, Poulin R, McLaughlin JP, Thieltges DW. Food web including metazoan parasites for an intertidal ecosystem in New Zealand: Ecological Archives E092-173. Ecology. 2011;92: 2006–2006.
In infomapecology:
- A link-list.
- A second file that indicates the id of the attribute for each node id:
node_id attribute_id
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 2
5 3
In this example, the attribute ids are (example with first four):
OrganismalGroup | attribute_id |
Plant | 1 |
Zooplankton | 2 |
Meiofauna | 3 |
Bacteria | 4 |
For now, Infomap can only handle categorical attributes, and only a single attribute type.
The code here depends on the code run in the previous example, which should be run first (see code file infomap_ecology_main.R
# Create an attribute -- attribute ID map
node_attribute_map <- otago_nodes_2 %>% distinct(OrganismalGroup) %>%
# Create a file with node attributes
node_attributes <-
network_object$nodes %>%
distinct(node_id, OrganismalGroup) %>%
left_join(node_attribute_map) %>%
select(-OrganismalGroup) %>%
write_delim('otago_node_attributes.txt', delim = ' ', col_names = F)
# Run without metadata
infomap_object <- run_infomap_monolayer(network_object, infomap_executable='Infomap',
flow_model = 'directed',
silent=T,trials=20, two_level=T, seed=200952)
# Run with metadata and eta=0.7
infomap_object_metadata_07 <- run_infomap_monolayer(network_object, infomap_executable='Infomap',
flow_model = 'directed',
silent=T,trials=20, two_level=T, seed=200952,
... = '--meta-data otago_node_attributes.txt --meta-data-rate 0.7')
# Run with metadata and eta=1.3
infomap_object_metadata_13 <- run_infomap_monolayer(network_object, infomap_executable='Infomap',
flow_model = 'directed',
silent=T,trials=20, two_level=T, seed=200952,
... = '--meta-data otago_node_attributes.txt --meta-data-rate 1.3')
# Compare the modules with and without metadata
eta0 <- infomap_object$modules %>%
group_by(module_level1) %>%
summarise(n=n_distinct(OrganismalGroup)) %>%
mutate(eta=0) %>%
arrange(desc(n), module_level1)
eta07 <- infomap_object_metadata_07$modules %>%
group_by(module_level1) %>%
summarise(n=n_distinct(OrganismalGroup)) %>%
mutate(eta=0.7) %>%
arrange(desc(n), module_level1)
eta13 <- infomap_object_metadata_13$modules %>%
group_by(module_level1) %>%
summarise(n=n_distinct(OrganismalGroup)) %>%
mutate(eta=1.3) %>%
arrange(desc(n), module_level1)
bind_rows(eta0, eta07, eta13) %>%
mutate(eta=factor(eta, levels=c('0','0.7','1.3'))) %>%
rename(num_OG=n, module_id=module_level1) %>%
group_by(num_OG, eta) %>%
summarise(num_modules=n()) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=num_OG, y=num_modules,fill=eta)) +
geom_col(position = 'dodge', color='black', width=0.7) +
scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,18), breaks=0:18)+
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,37), breaks=seq(0,36,by=3))+
scale_fill_manual(values = c('#fc8d62','#8da0cb','#e78ac3'))+
labs(x='Number of organismal groups', y='Number of modules', fill='eta')+
theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank(),
axis.line = element_line(color = 'black'),
legend.position = c(0.8,0.8),
legend.text = element_text(size=24),
legend.title = element_text(size=24),
legend.key.size = unit(2, 'line'),
axis.text = element_text(size=24),
Under the hood, the function run_infomap_monolayer
./Infomap infomap.txt . -i link-list --tree --seed 200952 -N 20 -f directed --silent --two-level --meta-data otago_node_attributes.txt --meta-data-rate 0.7
Explanation of key arguments:
--meta-data otago_node_attributes.txt
indicates the file name (otago_node_attributes.txt
) with the attribute value for each node. -
--meta-data-rate 0.7
indicates the value of eta (here 0.7)
A tree file is produced by Infomap, but is parsed by run_infomap_monolayer
from infomapecology (in R: ?run_infomap_monolayer
). An analysis with metadata does not have a special output. So in this example the output format is the same as in 2. Monolayer directed network with hierarchical structure