Ukrainian official cryptography standards implemented as an engine module for OpenSSL.
- ДСТУ ГОСТ 28147:2009 block cipher ("Magma", ГОСТ 28147-89) (ECB-only, GOST hash S-box);
- ДСТУ 7624:2014 block cipher ("Kalyna") [WIP];
- ГОСТ 34.311-95 hash function (ГОСТ Р 34.11-94) [WIP];
- ДСТУ 7564:2014 hash function ("Kupyna") [WIP];
- ДСТУ 4145:2002 digital signature algorithm [WIP];
- ГОСТ 34.310-95 digital signature algorithm [WIP];
openssl x509 -in <filename>.cer -noout -text -inform der -nameopt oneline,-esc_msb,utf8
For files issues by АЦСК ІДД ДФС. Note that while extension is .cer
, it's actually a DER file.
- OpenSSL linkage test and overall operations without specifiying the full path may fail on OSX due to bug in the library causing it to look up modules by wrong extension (see: #17). Temporary workaround:
ln -s libukrypto.dylib
- S-boxes for Magma are written in host native format. Meaning LSB is
- Make
optional. - Code style
- Code assumes 8-bit bytes.
- Wrap malloc (OpenSSL malloc or other depending on situation)
Currently, upstream openssl
lacks the correct OID definitions for Ukrainian algorithms, so they are created at runtime via legacy.c
After OIDs are merged upstream it would be possible to skip compiling the definitions, see FINA_VENKO
macro. In future when there is no
point to support openssl
version that does not have the correct OIDS, the whole glue code will be dropped and replaced with nice
static structure definitions à la tutorial.