A Static Site Generator(SSG) for OSD600
This repo introduces a JavaScript program that convert .txt file or .md file into a HTML file
First install via:
npm install
check if yargs is installed and if not run the following in your terminal:
npm i yargs
node my-button.js --input Convert a text file to HTML file.
After installation of yargs. You can simply run the program by the command:
node my-button.js -i Silver-Blaze.txt
or node my-button.js -i Silver-Blaze.md
Which will generate a HTML file for the 'Silver-Blaze.txt' file or 'Silver-Blaze.md' file into the /dist folder.
node my-button.js -i .\Sherlock-Holmes-Selected-Stories\
Which will generate HTML files for the Sherlock-Holmes-Selected-Stories directory into the /dist folder.
NOTE: HTML files markdown syntax will be bold
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
-i, --input convert .txt file to html file [string] [required]