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Releases: EaW-Team/equestria_dev

“In the Shadow of Mountains” 1.8.2

08 Sep 22:12
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✢ Reworked post-civil war focus trees for Longsword.
✢ Fixed loading screen quotes by adding a missing quote, now more than 7 of them should appear.
✢ Fixed issues with limited export law.
✢ Fixed an issue with Hellquill-Lushi formation if Elias Whitecrest had become King.
✢ Fixed an issue with Luna not avoiding Nightmare Moon transformation when she should've.
✢ Added new focus icons for Lunar Empire.
✢ Hopefully made Griffonian Empire less suicidal.
✢ Fixed disrupted communications for real.
✢ Disrupted communications now lasts 90 days instead of 365.
✢ Changelings should now recall the attache much less often.
✢ Fixed an issue with Wittenland's grand canal and silver mine national spirits not reappearing when they should.
✢ You can no longer form the Commonwealth of Evi if you already formed the Griffonian Empire.
✢ Added a non-La resistance version for communist New Mareland's RES national spirit.
✢ River Republic's focuses about Coltstream now bypass if the state isn't owned.
✢ River federation tree's focuses about northern ponies no longer available if said nations dont exist anymore.
✢ Republican Wittenland can no longer resurrect Wulfric.
✢ Republican Wittenland should now always be able to get 5 research slots.
✢ Fixed Austurland-Kasa unification being available when it shouldn't be.
✢ Added generic portraits for Austurland admirals.
✢ Unruly army national spirit for Griffonian Republic now locks army templates until it is removed.
✢ Event about Wittenland's falling star should now trigger properly.
✢ Re-enabled resource requirements for Barrad's Viira fight, albeit the required amount is lower than before (1200 instead of 2000).
✢ All Barrad generals received from events should now have correct racial traits.
✢ Replaced "No Elections" in country screen with "Any elections by event".
✢ Kasa now has a republican government in code, should fix some weird event responses and other issues.
✢ Added a strait to Haukland islands, should hopefully help the AI with naval invasions.
✢ Improvements to Nimbusia's industrial tree.
✢ Added portraits for various Feathisian generals and one admiral.
✢ Asterion can no longer steal subjects.
✢ Changelings no longer ignore Ahuizotl.
✢ Fixed Wittenland's Coltstream border war decision being available when it shouldn't be.
✢ Most cores received via formable country decisions now require compliance.
✢ Added Maud Pie as a general for Equestria.
✢ Second half of Wittenland's economic tree should no longer disappear once Wulfric dies.
✢ Honoria can no longer do River federation focuses.
✢ Wittenland should go harmonic less often on non-historical.
✢ Barrad can no longer send volunteers in some paths.
✢ Kasa can no longer get 6 research slots.
✢ Non-aligned countries can now host governments in exile.
✢ Bakara's cores on countries outside Riverlands proper now require compliance.
✢ Fixed issues for Princely Lake City if Wittenland joined the sphere.
✢ Kasa can no longer declare war while a puppet.
✢ Bakara starts with Fleet in Being doctrine.
✢ Fixed mechanised technology being available one year later than it should be.
✢ New portraits for undead Pentarchy members.
✢ Equestria, Griffonian Empire, Griffonian Republic, and Stalliongrad now start with armored cars.
✢ Griffonian Republic now starts with motorized.
✢ Tweaks to starting navies of various countries.
✢ Fixed Bakaran communist war of unification not puppeting other communists properly.
✢ Added two new generals for Las Pegasus.
✢ Added new spy portraits for various races.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: f318

“In the Shadow of Mountains” 1.8.1

26 Aug 20:11
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✢ Reworked Lunar and Communist trees for New Mareland
✢ Thorax revolt event is no longer MTTH.
✢ Changeling divisions are now locked on game start to prevent cheesing before the Thoraxian civil war.
✢ Added more concerns, better generic advisor icons and admirals for Austurland, and buffed their starting military.
✢ More unique advisor icons for Barrad and Kasa.
✢ A Kasa event no longer fires for Hellquill.
✢ Nerfed Drug Dealer advisor trait.
✢ Undead pentarchy members now have the undead race trait.
✢ Leopold has an additional focus tree branch about clockworks.
✢ Leopold can be rebuilt if he is destroyed and it's possible to build spare parts for him.
✢ Titan should be even easier to defeat now.
✢ Instead of clockwork decisions, there are new types of units to use for Leopold that are very manpower friendly in exchange of using much more infantry equipment.
✢ Asinti has a new special mechanic if he successfully appeases the daemon.
✢ 2000 resources are no longer needed after the Titan fight to have success.
✢ Fixed various event images and icons.
✢ If all three spell tiers are unlocked as Wittenland, then the library study decision no longer appears.
✢ Added names for various tech bonuses that were missing them.
✢ Bakara now has three high command available at start instead of just two.
✢ Kingdom of Hellquill can no longer be formed if Longsword still exists.
✢ Reworked Austurland localization for many events and focuses, added descriptions for national spirits.
✢ Austurland-Kasa interactions when Austurland is a republic have been fixed.
✢ Silver Star nightmares should be more bearable.
✢ Bakaran decision to remove guarantee on Firtree no longer targets Ponaidhean.
✢ Fixed broken portraits for Kasa and added sanity checks for Altu's focuses about owning Barrad.
✢ Fixed Lua advisor events.
✢ Disrupted communications for Diamond Mountain should now work properly.
✢ Various Hellquill events should now only fire once.
✢ Wittenland's land doctrine theorist buffed.
✢ Fixed River Republic's starting operatives.
✢ Wittenland can no longer build border bunkers in states that aren't on the border.
✢ Fixed Wittenland's dragon taming and panzer mercenary decisions.
✢ Improved Lunar Empire-Crystal Empire interactions.
✢ Fixed Skyfall's syndicalist advisors.
✢ Bonuses that give resources to factories work.
✢ Various fixes to technologies and equipment.
✢ Gryphia can no longer ally other nations' subjects (sorry Pravus).
✢ Fixed Changelings annexing Equestria in a peace deal when they shouldn't.
✢ AI countries can no longer change ideology through generic decisions while a puppet.
✢ Added missing models to anti-tank units.
✢ Purple plague tweaked yet again.
✢ Fixed Barrad focus positions.
✢ Added tooltips for new generals received via focuses/events, so you can see what their stats are beforehand.
✢ Fixed Austurland invasion decisions.
✢ Dehumanized localisation.
✢ AI Sicameon should be even less likely to put all its divisions on Jojo islands.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 15a0

“In the Shadow of Mountains”

13 Aug 22:57
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✢ Added missing localization in numerous places.
✢ Tweaked Barrad army templates.
✢ Fixed various missing portraits.
✢ Fixed an Austurland event not having any possible options (negative days bug).
✢ Disrupted communications caused by Bakara now actually prevent calling in allies.
✢ Made Barrad Titan fight easier and fixed issues with it.
✢ Leopold's knights now use equipment properly.
✢ Leopold's metal techs now have some naval bonuses.
✢ Added an addtional cosmetic tag for Kasa.
✢ Wittenland no longer loses River Federation cosmetic tag after elections.
✢ Foci in Wittenland that add points for forming the River Federation now bypass if the Federation was already formed.
✢ Leopold artillery and tank bonuses now apply to all artillery and tank variants.
✢ Fixed issues with Pentarchy member relations in Barrad.
✢ Asterionese Concordat foci now properly check for faction membership.
✢ Eisen's portrait in Hellquill now has proper resolution.
✢ Fixed broken adjacency in Dragon Isles.
✢ New focus icon for Continuous Suppression.
✢ Added new flag for Kasa-Austurland confederation.
✢ Dehumanized icon for Collaborations button.
✢ Reduced division template spam in Kasa.
✢ Tweaks to House Erie's victory points.
✢ Removed forts on Erie-Eyrie border.
✢ Fixed some special Changeling operations not appearing.
✢ "Exploit the Plains" and "Crystal Rush" focuses for Lake City now unlock decisions instead, so the tree is not blocked.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: a2b4

“In the Shadow of Mountains” 1.8

12 Aug 19:35
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✢ New focus trees and content for:
- Bakaran Republic.
- Austurland (formerly Nytt Rådjur Land).
- Barrad Magocracy.
✢ Reworked focus trees and content for:
- Kása Free State (formerly Nyumba ya Kaskazini).
- Kingdom of Wittenland.
- Ordensstaat Hellquill.
✢ New diplomatic popups, can be controlled via decisions menu.
✢ New main menu art (by Shamanguli) and music ("Uncertainty" by Radiarc).
✢ Added Coltstream Summit event chain for all River Coalition members.
✢ Added AI game rule paths for Lushi.
✢ Tweaks to Ponaidhean's focus tree.
✢ Increased penalties from communist River Republic uniting the federation (same penalties can also be received by Bakara).
✢ Added unique idea icon to Treaty of Coltstream national spirit.
✢ All of Sicameon's national spirits no longer cancel when puppeted.
✢ Added Barrad Climate state modifier in Barrad.
✢ Conditions for Gryphia's focus for joining the River Coalition now checks for coalition leader instead of River Republic.
✢ Princely Lake City can now invite Wittenland into the Co-Prosperity Sphere if Wulfric is in charge.
✢ Reworked all focuses about Kasa in other countries to take account that they're no longer a haven of slaver pirates but a haven of refugees and escaped slaves instead.
✢ Assigned more unique focus icons for River Republic.
✢ Added a description for Caramel Haze.
✢ Added a new event chain for Gryphus.
✢ Added state lore for Bakara, Seguro and Hornavik.
✢ Added new flag for Buffalo Changeling puppet.
✢ River Republic now starts with two spy operatives.
✢ Fix coring of Tarrin states.
✢ Various GFX fixes and additions.
✢ Fixes for armoured cars.
✢ Added a description for Dieter in Changeling Lands.
✢ Make sure Changeling attache returns from the Griffonian Empire.
✢ Nerfed Stalliongrad's tank research bonuses.
✢ Fixed Prywhen civil war news firing twice.
✢ Tweaked Changeling Protectorate borders and requirements.
✢ New spy operative portraits.
✢ AI Changelings can now handle love tax mechanics better.
✢ Daybreaker no longer appears when puppeted.
✢ Fixed some edge cases with the resistance coring system (eg. Vedina).
✢ Tweaked requirements for Lake City's griffon state coring focus.
✢ Added decision for Changelings to form Severyana (Stalliongrad) protectorate.
✢ Reworked ELF/Equestria reintegration decision post-Great War.
✢ New OC generals for Aztlan, River Republic, Griffonian Empire, Changelings and Flowena.
✢ Renamed Franmistria to Francistria, to match the capital name.
✢ Reworked Yeven Krawvelets' portrait in Gryphia.
✢ Fixes for forming the Griffonian Empire.
✢ Nerfed "Financial Expert" trait.
✢ Removed Sabaton music files as they were causing issues.
✢ Fixes for Hellquill-River Coalition interactions.
✢ Fixed River Republic operation checking for wrong focus.
✢ Fixed Asterion cores when forming autonomous Cyanolisia.
✢ Sicameon partitioning Cyanolisia with Asterion now works properly.
✢ Equestria now has the improved Braeburn portrait as well.
✢ Grover VI in Skyfall now has a portrait.
✢ Buffed Midoria Plan for Sicameon.
✢ Rebalanced Crystal Empire generals.
✢ Fixed the leader of River Coalition guaranteeing random nations.
✢ Rebalanced Crystal Empire generals.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 7a05

“Pax Chrysalia: Redux”

18 Jul 21:14
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✢ Added a gamerule to disable AI buffs for Equestria.
✢ Fixed various broken portraits such as that of Luna and Daybreaker.
✢ Trimmed Trimmel's description.
✢ Numerous Changeling localization fixes, made one event less edgy.
✢ Added descriptions for Anti-Changeling Insurgency national spirits.
✢ Pax Chrysalia should no longer trigger if Equestrian breakaways are still alive.
✢ Pax Chrysalia will now trigger properly after conquering Lunar Empire.
✢ Fixed issues with releasing Changeling protectorates.
✢ Crystal Protectorate now has a proper leader, Trimmel.
✢ Fixed a buggy sea zone around Dragon Islands.
✢ New protectorates, Haukland and Jakistan, for Changelings.
✢ Added a tag for Tarrin which does not exist at game start. Removed Francistria's cores on Tarrin, so Karthinia can be formed even if Francistria lost the region.
✢ Made AI Cyanolisia and communist Gryphus less suicidal.
✢ Added dynamic localization for Equestria cityfall events.
✢ Fixed various event pictures.
✢ If MARESOC is puppeted by a communist country, they are now replaced properly.
✢ Candy Garden won't fight herself any longer.
✢ Changelings focuses no longer blocked if certain states are owned by subjects.
✢ Sombra should no longer appear in Crystal Protectorate.
✢ Fixed wrong focus check for Reichswaffen Concern for Griffonian Empire.
✢ New general portrait and general name tweaks for Gryphian Host.
✢ Fixed Purple Plague decisions cancelling.
✢ Fixed issues with Local Recruitment (LaR) decisions.
✢ Added new equipment GFX for Stalliongrad and Greneclyf.
✢ Fixed issues with Skynavia Hail Forest decisions disappearing.
✢ Tweaked triggers for Asterion wargoal focuses.
✢ Added puppet sanity checks to several Griffonian Republic focuses.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 9ce0

“Pax Chrysalia: Redux” 1.7.7

12 Jul 20:43
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✢ Post-Great War content for the Changeling Lands.
- Love Extraction and Consumption mechanic.
- Custom LaR Resistance and Compliance mechanics.
- Reworked Zecora's Uprising.
- Late-game narrative-focused content.
- "The Hunt for Thorax" event chain.
- Rework and polish of Changeling event localisation.
- Standardized Changeling puppet cosmetic tag colours and names.
- Formable Changeling mega-puppets in Griffonia.
✢ Sicameon can now build monitors.
✢ A new operative slot will now be gained every 4 agency upgrades, instead of 5.
✢ Fixed Sicameon's naval raiding decisions.
✢ Miscellaneous naval tech and doctrine fixes.
✢ Synchronised armoured, mechanized, and plane equipment stats with RT56 mod.
✢ Synchronized ship stats with vanilla.
✢ Nerfed lategame field hospitals.
✢ Nerfed lategame rocket artillery.
✢ Lategame mechanized techs increase motorized speed.
✢ Miscellaneous Griffonian Republic bugfixes.
✢ Fixed Manehattan Protectorate spy portraits.
✢ Tweaks to Hellquill's Purple Plague.
✢ Added Anonfilly.
✢ Added generic gfx for planes and tanks, replacing the black silhouettes.
✢ Reforming Aquileia now only requires the capitals of Aquileia and the starting vassals, and also gives cores on Tarrin, House Avian and House Erie.
✢ New zebra, minotaur operatives.
✢ Implemented wargoal generation on state owners.
✢ Updated Applejack general portrait.
✢ More subideology tweaks.
✢ Tweaks to River Coalition leadership and leaving mechanics.
✢ The decision to rename Sunset can be taken only once now.
✢ "Empowered Resistance" will be properly removed once New Mareland capitulates.
✢ Falcor will no longer surrender to Wingbardy if they're in a faction.
✢ Fixed resistance/coring in Falcor state behaving oddly.
✢ Tweaks to Yale's military tree, increased AI priority for their political focuses.
✢ Added Ten Principles flavor event for communist Bronzehill.
✢ MARESOC can suppress other parties after taking power.
✢ Forming Commonwealth of Evi now requires Prywhen's original cores instead of all their cores.
✢ Griffonian Empire can no longer demand frontier states from puppets.
✢ Added some Nimbusia-Grover II flavor.
✢ Fixed Griffonian Empire sometimes not coring Longsword.
✢ Fixed Dread League's technology decisions.
✢ Fixed New Mareland sometimes staying as puppet after the Solar Coup.
✢ Demanding frontier states decisions now available to all Herzland countries who succeed the Empire.
✢ Herzland nations that take Griffenheim now do focuses to unite Herzland faster.
✢ Empire can no longer get Reichswaffen concern without doing the focus for them first.
✢ Added names for Nova Griffonian tanks.
✢ Brodfeld should not puppet GLA anymore and vice versa.
✢ Performance improvements.
✢ Added various new GFX.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 2bdc

“Pax Chrysalia”

13 Jun 10:43
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✢ Fixed scripted army leaders getting renamed.
✢ Fixed operatives generated through decisions sometimes not having nationalities.
✢ Fixed certain edge cases with generated operatives.
✢ Fixed Emerich and Sunglider being spawned multiple times.
✢ Fixed Romau not getting all the cores it should.
✢ Added new tier of scout planes - jet scout planes (LaR only).
✢ Added more landing craft techs to MtG naval techs.
✢ Various fixes for the compliance coring mechanic.
✢ Rumare funding resistance now actually creates resistance.
✢ Added missing medium and small flags for Cloudbury.
✢ Reworked the way New Mareland supports Equestrian resistance.
✢ Fixed Fezera's continuous focuses position.
✢ Fixed certain Equestrian focuses not bypassing for Solar Empire.
✢ Fixed Griffonian Republic Warlords' overlapping and unavailable military focus branches.
✢ Fixed buggy Sicameon-Cyanolisia border province.
✢ Fixed Poverty icons not having the correct amount of chevrons.
✢ Skynavia can no longer start civil wars in puppets and allies.
✢ Radicals in Baltimare now require at least 75 influence to take over.
✢ Baltimare militia will now be properly disbanded after war.
✢ Added starting production to many minors.
✢ Katerin's generic formables replaced with custom ones.
✢ Hermane Gering will actually stop being a leader after he lefts/dies.
✢ Reassigned some subideologies.
✢ Performance improvements.
✢ Changed racial traits for some leaders.
✢ Added various new GFX.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: a639

“Pax Chrysalia”

05 Jun 11:53
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✢ Fixed research time being broken for non-developed nations.
✢ Various fixes and checks added to Katerin's tree.
✢ Fixed cores not being given on annexed civil war nations (eg. with Vedina being annexed by Skynavia).
✢ Added missing Buffalo localisation.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 0e2e

“Pax Chrysalia” 1.7.6

04 Jun 15:24
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✢ Carried over balance changes from Hearts of Iron IV 1.9.3.
✢ Added a post-unification tree for Romau republicans.
✢ Reworked Katerin's starting tree, added Diellza event chain for harmonic Katerin.
✢ Added an airforce focus branch for the Griffonian Republic.
✢ Renamed fascism ideology group to Supremacy.
✢ Fixed terrain for many provinces.
✢ The player now gets instant free cores on half of Herzland as the Griffonian Empire, like the AI does.
✢ Buffalo have received various quality of life tweaks and additional content and are now actually playable, but this is not a full rework.
✢ Baltimare gets more divisions from militia decisions.
✢ Added Sergeant Reckless as general for Equestria.
✢ Fixed Nicolas in Flowena not being promoted to Field Marshal properly in focus.
✢ Fixed icon for Mass Illiteracy.
✢ Farbrook can now get Modern Society development.
✢ Romau can no longer initiate border wars if the target is at war.
✢ Fixed continuous focus positions for Angriver and Haukland, so they are actually visible.
✢ Griffonian Republic's claims on Herzland moved to the focus that gives them wargoals, to prevent the AI from justifying.
✢ Tweaks to AI factors of Sicameon and Brodfeld.
✢ Equestria no longer instantly attacks Disciples after defeating Lunar Empire, if Celestial State doesn't exist.
✢ Griffonian Republic gets a wargoal on both sides of the Vedinan civil war.
✢ AI is now aware if a neighbour is using decision to get a wargoal and prepares accordingly.
✢ Fix modifiers for late Concentrated Industry tech.
✢ Flowena alliance decisions should no longer appear when they shouldn't.
✢ Motorized Rocket Artillery stats now match vanilla.
✢ Reworked Olenian operative codenames, they're not Norse vikings.
✢ Added a cosmetic decision for Griffonian Republic to make puppeted Northern Tribes into a republic.
✢ Yale should now properly leave the Reichspakt.
✢ Luna event chain in Equestria has even less RNG.
✢ Improved GUI for River Federation decision categories.
✢ Researching motorized now gives a template even when you have tanks researched.
✢ Both Wingbardy and Sicameon now start with marine and mountaineer templates.
✢ New portrait for Applejack.
✢ Cosmetic tweaks to the Karthinia formable.
✢ Fixed National Republic not getting Lostgate in Griffonian Republic civil war.
✢ After civil war, navies will always be transferred to the victor.
✢ Various new subideologies.
✢ Made coring the Heartlands as Dawnclaw faster.
✢ Fixed Griffonian Empire operatives not always getting all nationalities.
✢ AI should now always annex land that they can core.
✢ Improvements to operative and operations AI.
✢ New Bronzehill advisor icons.
✢ Various new focus icons.
✢ Various performance improvements.
✢ More operative portraits.
✢ Added new general in New Mareland.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: e6a1

“Pax Chrysalia” 1.7.5

02 May 13:32
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✢ Carried over balance changes from Hearts of Iron IV 1.9.2 beta.
✢ Reworked focus tree for Vanhoover.
✢ Added a new fascist path for New Mareland.
✢ Added a system to demobilize AI divisions after a war.
✢ Brought cost of scout planes in line with the rest of aircraft.
✢ Reworked Operation Horizons decisions in Brodfeld's fascist path into focuses.
✢ Changed Wingbardian Empire into Karthinia, made it available for all South Griffonian nations to form if they own the entire region.
✢ Increased autonomy reduction for Wingbardian Integration national spirit.
✢ Disabled the generic communist Equestria formable decision for Baltimare, as they have a unique one.
✢ The Empire no longer gets instant cores from Herzland coring focuses.
✢ Reworked how REDACTED in Yale cores Griffonian nations.
✢ Reduced cost of an intelligence agency to 3 civilian factories.
✢ Added new unique icons for all army doctrines.
✢ Added new icons for different levels of illiteracy.
✢ Added a new event picture for "The Roaring Tiger" event in Griffonian Empire.
✢ Added new portraits for Moriset and Dennis.
✢ Reduced compliance gain from Popular Figurehead trait.
✢ Added King Sombra as an army chief for fascist Crystal Empire (they had no army chiefs available before).
✢ Fixed harmonic Flowena's national ideas disappearing after elections.
✢ REDACTED in Baltimare now gets Partial Mobilization and Extensive Conscription when they break free, and their starting national spirit is fixed.
✢ Added a new operative portrait for Penguins, as well as a namelist.
✢ Bronzehill now gets alliances unlocked when they side with the Duchess.
✢ Fixed position of Flowena's continuous focuses for the twelfth time.
✢ "A Deal With Adelart" focus for Flowena is bypassed properly.
✢ Various nerfs to Griffonian Empire's national spirits.
✢ Collaboration Government operation can now only be done once per 2 years.
✢ Added a tooltip in Romau for Alex the Rambler.
✢ Harmonic Asterion now less likely to commit ethnic cleansing.
✢ Added a new general for South Confederate States.
✢ Lunar Empire can no longer get Griffon Knights.
✢ Sicameon should no longer put most of their army on Jojo islands.
✢ Hearthswarming Miracle event now fires correctly again.
✢ Fixed Hector's River Republic not rejoining the Coalition properly.
✢ Sydian saboteurs actually spawn in Sydia now.
✢ Re-enabled encryption/decryption technologies which replaced cryptology upgrades for Agencies.
✢ Added many new operative portraits.
✢ Added more intelligence agency logos.
✢ Added a new general for New Mareland.
✢ Fixed array issues with Skyfall which caused the influence mechanics to not work properly.
✢ Fixed some edge cases with operative race system.
✢ Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
✢ Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: cf2f