Version >
Release of the 11 Dec 2019
- Bug fixes
This release fixes the issues below:
- Results were incorrectly displayed as Swedish instead of English ;
- Results export failed for a specific survey ;
- Another results export failed because the data displayed in the Results tab did not
match the content exported to Excel/ODS.
Functional changes
This release includes the following functional changes:
The link to report an ‘abuse’, in other words an infringement to EUSurvey Terms of
Service, has been renamed for reducing the number of misuse. This should make clearer
for the survey respondents that they can report here an ‘abusive’ survey and have to use
the “Contact us“ form for reporting other technical or functional issues. -
Cookie Consent Kit
The European Commission Cookie Consent Kit has been implemented. For your
information, EUSurvey is using cookies only when necessary and currently is only using
temporary session ID cookies: one for the session and one for testing that creating cookie
is enabled. Everything else that is saved in the browser uses local storage. -
API update
EUSurvey Web Services have been updated for the benefit of all existing and future
consumers including the Doris application, for which integration is underway.
The following Web Services have been enriched and now returns more data:
getSurveyMetadata and prepareResultsXML. In addition, a new Web Service has been
created: getMySurveys. It returns a list of surveys depending on the user and parameters
entered. Please refers to the latest API specifications document. Please note that all these
changes do not affect your existing calls, so they do not need to be updated. -
Performances and technical improvements
Some performances and technical improvements have been implemented