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Update workflow_ECDC_update_PR_fork.yml #6

Update workflow_ECDC_update_PR_fork.yml

Update workflow_ECDC_update_PR_fork.yml #6

name: ECDC_update_PR_fork
# This example workflow is meant to depict steps needed to get the model-output data
# from your_organization data GitHub repository and open a pull request to upload data
# to european-modelling-hubs/RespiCast-SyndromicIndicators hub-repository
# A good starting point for a better understandig of how GitHub actions work
# is this:
# N.B.
# 1. This workflow should be placed under the .github/workflows folder of your FORKED REPO !!
# 2. Since the current workflow pulls data directly from the upstream hub (european-modelling-hubs/RespiCast-SyndromicIndicators),
# you do not need to sync the forked repo!
## TODO: secrets & tokens!
# Firts step is to define di events that can trigger this workflow
# Run on schedule
- cron: "00 08 * * 2" #tuesday 8AM
# TODO: look up how to trigger when other workflow (in other repository) is completed
# Or you can manually trigger the workflow
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Step 1: Checkout your forked repository - main branch -
# ---------------------------------------------------
- name: checkout forked repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: "main"

Check failure on line 38 in .github/workflows/workflow_ECDC_update_PR_fork.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/workflow_ECDC_update_PR_fork.yml

Invalid workflow file

You have an error in your yaml syntax on line 38
token: ${{ secrets.Secret_PUSH_ACCESS_RespiCast}} #this might raise a problem
repository: 'ECDC-modelling-team/RespiCast-SyndromicIndicators'
# Step 2: Checkout the model data repository - main branch -
# This is the repository where the model output data reside
# In this example data repo is
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- name: checkout data repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: 'main' # the git branch to work on
token: ${{ secrets.Secret_PUSH_ACCESS_RespiCast}} #this token will need to be the math modelling one (might need to create a new one)
repository: 'EU-ECDC/ECDC-Mathematical-Models'
path: './source-repo/' # Relative path under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE to place the repository
# Step 3?: Set the default remote repository to use when querying the GitHub API for the locally cloned repository.
- run: gh repo set-default european-modelling-hubs/RespiCast-SyndromicIndicators
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.Secret_PUSH_ACCESS_RespiCast}} #this is probably the correct one (but will need to save the secrets locally)
# Step 4: Pull directly from main branch of the upstream repository,
# so you do not have to sync and the workflow is not part of the PR
- run: |
git config --global "YourGitHubUserName" #update
git config --global "[email protected]" #update
git remote add upstream
git fetch --all
git checkout -b pr-new-branch upstream/main
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.Secret_PUSH_ACCESS_RespiCast }} #same as for step3
# Step 5: Calculate Wednesday's date of the current week
- name: Calculate Wednesday's date
id: calculate_wednesday
run: |
# Get the current day of the week (1=Monday, ..., 7=Sunday)
weekday=$(date +%u)
# Calculate how many days to add or subtract to get to Wednesday (3)
offset=$((3 - weekday))
# Calculate the date of the Wednesday (if offset is negative, subtract days)
wednesday_date=$(date -d "$offset days" +%Y-%m-%d)
echo "Wednesday's date is $wednesday_date"
# Set the output
echo "::set-output name=wednesday_date::$wednesday_date"
# Step 6: make a copy of the needed files from data repository
- name: Copy model-output file
run: |
wednesday_date=${{ steps.calculate_wednesday.outputs.wednesday_date }}
cp ./source-repo/Forecasting-hubs_models/model_output/Syndromic_indicators/${wednesday_date}-ECDC-soca_simplex.csv \
cp ./source-repo/Forecasting-hubs_models/model_output/Syndromic_indicators/${wednesday_date}-ECDC-SARIMA.csv \
#cp ./data-repo/archive/yyyy-mm-dd-TeamName-ModelName.csv ./model-output/ECDC
# Step 7?: commit changes to the new brach! This step is needed in order
# to succesfully open the subsequent pull request
- run: |
wednesday_date=${{ steps.calculate_wednesday.outputs.wednesday_date }}
git add ./model-output/ECDC-soca_simplex/${wednesday_date}-ECDC-soca_simplex.csv
git add ./model-output/ECDC-SARIMA/${wednesday_date}-ECDC-SARIMA.csv
git commit -m "AutoSubmitPR"
git push -u origin pr-new-branch
# Step 8: Finally, open the pull request from local pr-new-branch to the main branch
# secrets.MY_PAT_SECRET is a repository secret you have to create in your forked repository
# containing a valid PERSONAL ACCESS TOKEN for YourGitHubUserName.
# Without this secret the pr create fails with "Resource not accessible by integration" error
- name: Open the pull requests
run: gh pr create --head YourGitHubUserName:pr-new-branch --base main --title 'PR Title' --body 'PR Body'
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.MY_PAT_SECRET }} #Probably largely the same token (?) - one for respicast, one for modelling repo.