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Submit_RespiCast-SyndromicIndicators_Forecasts #38


Submit_RespiCast-SyndromicIndicators_Forecasts #38

name: Submit_RespiCast-SyndromicIndicators_Forecasts
# Firts step is to define di events that can trigger this workflow
# Run upon previous GenerateModelOutput completion
workflows: [Generate_RespiCast_Forecasts]
- completed
# Or you can manually trigger the workflow
contents: write # Allows pushing changes to the repository
pages: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Step 1: Checkout the source repository (ECDC-Mathematical-Models)
- name: Checkout source repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: 'EU-ECDC/ECDC-Mathematical-Models'
ref: 'main'
path: './source-repo'
# Step 2: Checkout the destination repository (RespiCast-SyndromicIndicators)
- name: Checkout destination repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: 'european-modelling-hubs/RespiCast-SyndromicIndicators'
ref: 'main'
path: './destination-repo'
# Step 3: Calculate Wednesday's date of the current week
- name: Calculate Wednesday's date
id: calculate_wednesday
run: |
# Get the current day of the week (1=Monday, ..., 7=Sunday)
weekday=$(date +%u)
# Calculate how many days to add or subtract to get to Wednesday (3)
offset=$((3 - weekday))
# Calculate the date of the Wednesday (if offset is negative, subtract days)
wednesday_date=$(date -d "$offset days" +%Y-%m-%d)
echo "Wednesday's date is $wednesday_date"
# Set the output
echo "::set-output name=wednesday_date::$wednesday_date"
# Step 3a: Debug file existence
- name: Debug file existence
run: |
echo "Source directory files:"
ls ./source-repo/Forecasting-hubs_models/model_output/Syndromic_indicators/
echo "Destination directory:"
ls ./destination-repo/model-output/
# Step 4: Sync destination repo and create a new branch
- name: Create a new branch
run: |
git config --global "41898282+github-actions[bot]"
git config --global "github-actions[bot]"
cd ./destination-repo
git config --unset-all http.
git checkout -b add-results-RespiCast-SyndromicIndicators
# Step 5: Copy the two model-output files to the destination repository
- name: Copy model-output files
run: |
wednesday_date=${{ steps.calculate_wednesday.outputs.wednesday_date }}
cp ./source-repo/Forecasting-hubs_models/model_output/Syndromic_indicators/${wednesday_date}-ECDC-soca_simplex.csv \
cp ./source-repo/Forecasting-hubs_models/model_output/Syndromic_indicators/${wednesday_date}-ECDC-SARIMA.csv \
shell: bash
# Step 6: Commit the files to the new branch
- name: Commit changes
run: |
cd ./destination-repo
git status # Check what changes are detected
wednesday_date=${{ steps.calculate_wednesday.outputs.wednesday_date }}
git add ./model-output/ECDC-soca_simplex/${wednesday_date}-ECDC-soca_simplex.csv \
git status # Verify if the files were staged
git commit -m "Submitting forecasts of Syndromic_indicators - soca_simplex and SARIMA models"
#git push https://x-access-token:${{ secrets.Secret_PUSH_ACCESS_RespiCast }} main
git push https://x-access-token:${{ secrets.Secret_PUSH_ACCESS_RespiCast }} add-results-RespiCast-SyndromicIndicators
# Step 7: Open a pull request
- name: Create a pull request
run: |
cd ./destination-repo
gh pr create --head add-results-RespiCast-SyndromicIndicators \
--base main \
--title "Submitting ECDC forecasts" \
--body "This PR adds the ECDC forecasts to RespiCast repo."
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.Secret_PUSH_ACCESS_RespiCast }}