Ethan Chiang
This is the final vresion of a digital wallet ios app for ECS189e @ UC Davis. This version now includes:
- Launch page
- Sign-up page
- OTP validation page
- Home page with account information
- Account detail page with deposit/withdraw/transfer/delete functionality
- Custome logo
- App name
- Auto-check mobile number length
- Validation of mobile number with PhoneNumberKit
- e164 format disaply after entering valid phone number
- Error messages display to inform user when phone number is invalid
- 6 OTP text field to enter code
- Resend OTP button
- Auto-check OTP after all 6 digits are entered
- Auto-fill on iphones
- Display of error message when OTP is invalid
- Activity indicator while waiting for api calls, all user interactions are disable
- Auth_token and e164 phone number are stored on Storage after OTP varified
- Inlcudes name of user, account total, list of accounts, logout button
- User name is default to be the phone number
- User can changed their user name (empty user name or pure white spaces will not be accpeted and user name will be default to phone number)
- List of account with name and balance in UITableView
- DIsplay account name and balance
- "Done" button to go back to home view
- "Deposit" to deposit to account (money comes from no where)
- "Withdraw" to withdraw from account (no real money will comes out)
- "Transfer" to transfer balance between accounts, using UIPikerVIew to select account to transfer to
- "Delete" to delete account (balance goes into water)