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Cycling plots

This hobby project is still work in progress


Here's how to make beautiful cycling height profiles. Like this one!

and this one:

or make a nice map plotting the route in a leaflet map:

Usage in short:

  • This repository contains two R code snippets containing functions to make:
    • An elevation profile based on any gpx file
    • A map displaying the route in a leaflet map (with JAWG-lagoon base layer)
  • The sf package is used to uniformly import the gpx files.
  • Rolling averages are calculated with the zoo package
  • For now, elevation is needed as a variable in the gpx files, later support for gpx files without elevation will be added.
  • Future plans involve a shiny app allowing you to upload a .gpx file and generate the two images.

Arguments elevation plot function

  • filepath need to be set to locate the gpx file, for example "C:/Users/user/Desktop/yilan-wulling.gpx"
  • seq factor to reduce the number of datapoints in a GPX file (especially usefull for calculations of gradients over longer streches)(default=10)
  • roll how many point shoulc be used in the calculation of rolling averages (default is 10)
  • rollparameter use max or mean method for rolling averages (default is "max")
  • colorscalestr will set the colors of the gradient levels. String length 6. First color is downhill or no gradient. (default"#9198A7","#C9E3B9", "#F9D49D", "#F7B175", "#F47D85", "#990000")
  • linecolor set the color of the height profile
  • maxlinecol sets the color of the maximum height line
  • transparency set the transparency of the area under the curve
  • elevationbreaksstr sets the how the rolling gradient should be divided in different levels of difficulty
  • plotsave, plotsavedir and plotname can be set to save the plot automatically with plotsave as logical. Plots will be saved in the working directory. If none is provided working dir and gpx file name will be used.
  • ggsave_width set the width of the plot to save
  • ggsave_height set the height of the plot to save
  • ggsave_dpi set the dots per inch
  • ggsave_units set the units uses for height and width (default to "cm")
  • ggsave_background option to use "transparent"

Arguments map function

  • gpxnr
  • start to set the label direction for start label, options like "left","right","top" , "bottom" (standard= "left")
  • finish to set the label direction for finish label, options like "left","right","top" , "bottom" (standard= "left")
  • lijnkleur sets the route line color (standard= "#640c82")
  • trans sets the route line transparency (standard= 1, no transparancy)
  • labeldirection sets the driection of the Km markings (top, bottom, left, right or auto)
  • jawgapi set you personal api token, get one at JAWG


6 levels have been set as categories for the area under the curve colors, based on the following grade categories:

  • downhill or flat
  • gradient "<3%"
  • gradient "3-6%"
  • gradient "6-9%"
  • gradient "9-12%"
  • gradient ">12%"

Colors of these gradient levels can be adjusted with colorscalestr by providing a with sting 6 hex colors. (example: c("#9198A7","#C9E3B9", "#F9D49D", "#F7B175", "#F47D85", "#990000"))

For gpxrolling, smaller numbers will make the plot more detailed (smaller facets), but note that the plotting will take longer. For example, if a gpx file only contains a climb of 2500 geometry points, and the rolling average will be set to 2500, then the gradient calculated will just be the gradient for the full climb, hence the plot will only contain one facet.



elevationprofile("gpx/crazy ride.gpx") # simple use, using standard presets 

elevationprofile("crazy ride.gpx"",
                 colorscalestr=c("lightblue","lightgreen", "green", "pink", "orange", "darkred"),
                 plotname="Steep steeper steepst",

Future planning, for current functions:

  • add support for gpx files without elevation values
  • option to hide elevation lines
  • fix order of horizontal elevation lines
  • create a shiny app of both functions
  • generate a package based on both function


to make cycling plots






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