Bug fixes and improved compatibility with C#
- Updated es6-shim to use latest v0.35.1
- Added and updated unit tests. Now it is the same tests across es5 and es2015 implementations
- Updated typings to reflect latest fixes. It is now same file across implementations.
Bug Fixes:
Sum(transform?: (T) => number) - Fixed Sum ignoring transform on collections
Distinct(keySelector?: (T) => V) - Fixed Distinct ignoring key selector function
Union(. . ., keySelector?: (T) => K) - Fixed Union ignoring key selector function
SelectMany(. . . , result?: (T, S) => V) - Fixed incorrect default result transform
Average(func: (T) => number) - Fixed Average ignoring func tronsform
GroupBy(. . ., selElement: (T) => E, . . .) - Fixed incorrect default element selector