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PIP-1538-use-assembly-name-for-pre (#97)
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paul-sud authored Apr 29, 2021
1 parent 5b28d2f commit 4940e88
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Showing 13 changed files with 278 additions and 51 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,14 +78,16 @@ Use the WDL `make_restriction_site_locations.wdl` to generate the restriction si
* `restriction_sites` is a text file containing cut sites for the given restriction enzyme. For supported enzymes you can generate this using the [reference building entrypoint](#generating-restriction-site-files). Note that if you need to generate a sites file for a multiple digest or for an unsupported enzyme you will need to edit this script and run it yourself:
* `chrsz` is a chromosome sizes file for the desired assembly. It is a tab-separated text file whose rows take the form `[chromosome][TAB][size]`. You can find these on the ENCODE portal for some human and mouse assemblies, see [reference files](#reference-files)
* `reference_index` is a pre-generated BWA index for the desired assembly. Depending on your assembly you may also be able to find these on the ENCODE portal, see [reference files](#reference-files)
* `input_pairs` is a text file containing the paired fragments to use to generate the .hic contact maps, a detailed format description can be found here:
* `input_pairs_index` is an index of the `input_pairs` file as generated with `index_by_chr.awk` in task `bam_to_pre`"
* `input_hic` is an input `.hic` file which will be used to call loops and domains
* `normalization_methods` is an array of normalization methods to use for `.hic` file generation as per Juicer Tools `pre`. If not specified then will use `pre` defaults of `VC`, `VC_SQRT`, `KR`, and `SCALE`. Valid methods are `VC`, `VC_SQRT`, `KR`, `SCALE`, `GW_KR`, `GW_SCALE`, `GW_VC`, `INTER_KR`, `INTER_SCALE`, and `INTER_VC.
* `reference_fasta` is FASTA file for the genome of interest to be used for generating restriction site locations. For the output locations file to have a descriptive filename it is also recommended to specify the `assembly_name`
* `no_bam2pairs` is a boolean which if `true` results in skipping generating `.pairs` files, defaults to `false`
* `no_call_loops` is a boolean which if `true` results in skipping calling loops, defaults to `false`. Since the loop calling requires GPUs it is recommended to set to `true` if you do not
* `no_call_tads` is a boolean which if `true` skips calling domains with arrowhead, defaults to `false`
* `cpu` is number of threads to use for `bwa` alignment, it is recommended to leave at the default value.
* `assembly_name` is name of assembly to insert into hic file header, recommended to specify for reproducibility otherwise the resulting `.hic.` file may have variable data in the header (the matrix contents will still be the same).
* `align_num_cpus` is number of threads to use for `bwa` alignment, it is recommended to leave at the default value.
* `assembly_name` is name of assembly, defaults to "unknown". If the assembly is supported by Juicer Tools `pre` then `.hic` file creation will use Juicer Tools' internal chrom sizes instead of the inputted `chrsz`, see [`Pre` documentation]( for list of supported values. The pipeline does some normalization of this value internally, for instance `GRCh38` will be converted into the Juicer Tools-supported `hg38`.

### Reference files

Expand Down
115 changes: 71 additions & 44 deletions hic.wdl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ struct BamAndLigationCount {

workflow hic {
meta {
version: "0.3.0"
caper_docker: "encodedcc/hic-pipeline:0.3.0"
caper_singularity: "docker://encodedcc/hic-pipeline:0.3.0"
version: "0.4.0"
caper_docker: "encodedcc/hic-pipeline:0.4.0"
caper_singularity: "docker://encodedcc/hic-pipeline:0.4.0"
croo_out_def: ""

Expand All @@ -40,25 +40,7 @@ workflow hic {
Boolean no_call_loops = false
Boolean no_call_tads = false
Int align_num_cpus = 32
String? assembly_name

parameter_meta {
fastq: "Twice nested array of input `FastqPair`s, takes form of [lib_id][fastq_id]"
restriction_enzymes: "An array of names containing the restriction enzyme(s) used to generate the Hi-C libraries"
restriction_sites: "A text file containing cut sites for the given restriction enzyme. You should generate this file using this script:"
ligation_site_regex: "A custom regex to use for counting ligation site, if specified then restriction_sites file must be manually specified. Can be just a single site, e.g. ATGC, or several sites wrapped in parentheses and separated by pipes, e.g. `(ATGC|CTAG)`"
chrsz: "A chromosome sizes file for the desired assembly, this is a tab-separated text file whose rows take the form [chromosome] [size]"
reference_index: "A pregenerated BWA index for the desired assembly"
normalization_methods: "An array of normalization methods to use for .hic file generation as per Juicer Tools `pre`, if not specified then will use `pre` defaults of VC, VC_SQRT, KR, and SCALE. Valid methods are VC, VC_SQRT, KR, SCALE, GW_KR, GW_SCALE, GW_VC, INTER_KR, INTER_SCALE, and INTER_VC."
input_pairs: "A text file containing the paired fragments to use to generate the .hic contact maps, a detailed format description can be found here:"
input_pairs_index: "Index of input_pairs as generated with index_by_chr.awk in task bam_to_pre"
input_hic: "An input .hic file for which to call loops and domains"
no_bam2pairs: "If set to `true`, avoid generating .pairs files, defaults to false"
no_call_loops: "If set to `true`, avoid calling loops with hiccups, defaults to false"
no_call_tads: "If set to `true`, avoid calling domains with arrowhead, defaults to false"
align_num_cpus: "Number of threads to use for bwa alignment"
assembly_name: "Name of assembly to insert into hic file header, recommended to specify for reproducbility otherwise hic file will be nondeterministic"
String assembly_name = "undefined"

# Default MAPQ thresholds for generating .hic contact maps
Expand All @@ -78,6 +60,10 @@ workflow hic {

call normalize_assembly_name { input:
assembly_name = assembly_name

scatter(i in range(length(fastq))) {
Array[FastqPair] replicate = fastq[i]
scatter(fastq_pair in replicate) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,33 +165,48 @@ workflow hic {
quality = qualities[i],

call create_hic { input:
pre = select_first([input_pairs, bam_to_pre.pre]),
pre_index = select_first([input_pairs_index, bam_to_pre.index]),
chrsz = select_first([chrsz]),
restriction_sites = restriction_sites,
quality = qualities[i],
stats = calculate_stats.stats,
stats_hists = calculate_stats.stats_hists,
assembly_name = assembly_name,
normalization_methods = normalization_methods,

if ((defined(input_hic) || defined(create_hic.output_hic))) {
File hic_file = if defined(input_hic) then select_first([input_hic]) else create_hic.output_hic[1]
if (!no_call_tads) {
call arrowhead { input:
hic_file = hic_file
# If Juicer Tools doesn't support the assembly then need to pass chrom sizes
if (!normalize_assembly_name.assembly_is_supported) {
call create_hic as create_hic_with_chrom_sizes { input:
pre = select_first([input_pairs, bam_to_pre.pre]),
pre_index = select_first([input_pairs_index, bam_to_pre.index]),
chrsz = select_first([chrsz]),
restriction_sites = restriction_sites,
quality = qualities[i],
stats = calculate_stats.stats,
stats_hists = calculate_stats.stats_hists,
assembly_name = assembly_name,
normalization_methods = normalization_methods,
if (!no_call_loops) {
call hiccups { input:
hic_file = hic_file

if (normalize_assembly_name.assembly_is_supported) {
call create_hic { input:
pre = select_first([input_pairs, bam_to_pre.pre]),
pre_index = select_first([input_pairs_index, bam_to_pre.index]),
restriction_sites = restriction_sites,
quality = qualities[i],
stats = calculate_stats.stats,
stats_hists = calculate_stats.stats_hists,
assembly_name = assembly_name,
normalization_methods = normalization_methods,

File hic_file = select_first(
[input_hic, create_hic.output_hic[1], create_hic_with_chrom_sizes.output_hic[1]]
if (!no_call_tads) {
call arrowhead { input:
hic_file = hic_file
if (!no_call_loops) {
call hiccups { input:
hic_file = hic_file

task get_ligation_site_regex {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,6 +235,32 @@ task get_ligation_site_regex {

task normalize_assembly_name {
input {
String assembly_name
String normalized_assembly_name_output_path = "normalized_assembly_name.txt"
String assembly_is_supported_output_path = "is_supported.txt"

command <<<
set -euo pipefail
python3 "$(which" \
~{assembly_name} \
~{normalized_assembly_name_output_path} \

output {
String normalized_assembly_name = read_string("~{normalized_assembly_name_output_path}")
Boolean assembly_is_supported = read_boolean("~{assembly_is_supported_output_path}")

runtime {
cpu : "1"
memory: "500 MB"

task align {
input {
FastqPair fastq_pair
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -642,7 +669,7 @@ task hiccups {
cpu : "1"
bootDiskSizeGb: "20"
disks: "local-disk 100 SSD"
docker: "encodedcc/hic-pipeline:0.3.0_hiccups"
docker: "encodedcc/hic-pipeline:0.4.0_hiccups"
gpuType: "nvidia-tesla-p100"
gpuCount: 1
memory: "8 GB"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion hic_pipeline/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
__title__ = "hic-pipeline"
__version__ = "0.3.0"
__version__ = "0.4.0"
__description__ = "ENCODE Hi-C uniform processing pipeline."
__url__ = ""
__uri__ = __url__
Expand Down
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions hic_pipeline/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
import argparse


def main():
parser = get_parser()
args = parser.parse_args()
normalized_name, assembly_is_supported = normalize_assembly_name(args.assembly_name)
write_string_to_file(normalized_name, args.normalized_name_outfile)

def normalize_assembly_name(assembly_name):
Returns a tuple of the possibly normalized assembly name and a boolean indicating
whether or not the assembly is supported.
assembly_name = assembly_name.lower()
if "grch" in assembly_name:
assembly_name = normalize_grch_name(assembly_name)
for canonical_name in VALID_ASSEMBLIES:
if canonical_name.lower() == assembly_name:
return canonical_name, True
return assembly_name, False

def normalize_grch_name(assembly_name):
Convert `GRCh` names to `hg` ones, GRCh38 = hg38, GRCh37 = hg19, and GRCh36 = hg18
assembly_version = int(assembly_name.lower().replace("grch", ""))
if assembly_version < 38:
hg_assembly_version = assembly_version - 18
hg_assembly_version = assembly_version
return "hg" + str(hg_assembly_version)

def get_wdl_boolean_string(boolean):
WDL expects `true` or `false` strings for `read_boolean`, Python `str` doesn't work
return str(boolean).lower()

def write_string_to_file(data, filename):
with open(filename, "w") as f:

def get_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("assembly_name", help="Assembly name")
"normalized_name_outfile", help="Name of file to write normalized name"
"Name for file to write boolean indicating if the assembly is supported by "
return parser

if __name__ == "__main__":
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions make_restriction_site_locations.wdl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ version 1.0

workflow make_restriction_site_locations {
meta {
version: "0.3.0"
caper_docker: "encodedcc/hic-pipeline:0.3.0"
caper_singularity: "docker://encodedcc/hic-pipeline:0.3.0"
version: "0.4.0"
caper_docker: "encodedcc/hic-pipeline:0.4.0"
caper_singularity: "docker://encodedcc/hic-pipeline:0.4.0"

parameter_meta {
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion tests/functional/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
def test_multiple_libraries_hic_match(workflow_dir):
hic_path = next(
hic_md5sum = hashlib.md5(hic_path.read_bytes()).hexdigest()
assert hic_md5sum == "0a65447aecd388044978367ce5e5ae97"
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tests/integration/json/test_normalize_assembly_name.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"test_normalize_assembly_name.assembly_is_supported_output_path": "is_supported.txt",
"test_normalize_assembly_name.assembly_name": "GRCh38",
"test_normalize_assembly_name.normalized_assembly_name_output_path": "normalized.txt"
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions tests/integration/test_normalize_assembly_name.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
- name: test_normalize_assembly_name
- integration
command: >-
# Cannot easily check the file contents, since not copied to test-output
- '"test_normalize_assembly_name.normalize_assembly_name.normalized_assembly_name": "hg38"'
- '"test_normalize_assembly_name.normalize_assembly_name.assembly_is_supported": true'
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions tests/integration/wdl/test_normalize_assembly_name.wdl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
version 1.0

import "../../../hic.wdl" as hic

workflow test_normalize_assembly_name {
input {
String assembly_name
String normalized_assembly_name_output_path
String assembly_is_supported_output_path

call hic.normalize_assembly_name { input:
assembly_name = assembly_name,
normalized_assembly_name_output_path = normalized_assembly_name_output_path,
assembly_is_supported_output_path = assembly_is_supported_output_path,
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions tests/python/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import pytest

from hic_pipeline.normalize_assembly_name import (

("GRCh38", ("hg38", True)),
("hg19", ("hg19", True)),
("GRCh37", ("hg19", True)),
("grch36", ("hg18", True)),
("unknown", ("unknown", False)),
def test_normalize_assembly_name(assembly_name, expected):
result = normalize_assembly_name(assembly_name)
assert result == expected

[("GRCh38", "hg38"), ("GRCh37", "hg19"), ("GRCh36", "hg18")],
def test_normalize_grch_name_name(assembly_name, expected):
result = normalize_grch_name(assembly_name)
assert result == expected

@pytest.mark.parametrize("boolean,expected", [(True, "true"), (False, "false")])
def test_get_wdl_boolean_string(boolean, expected):
result = get_wdl_boolean_string(boolean)
assert result == expected
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tests/unit/json/test_normalize_assembly_name.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"test_normalize_assembly_name.assembly_is_supported_output_path": "bar.txt",
"test_normalize_assembly_name.assembly_name": "hg38",
"test_normalize_assembly_name.normalized_assembly_name_output_path": "foo.txt"
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions tests/unit/test_normalize_assembly_name.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
- name: test_normalize_assembly_name_unit
- unit
command: >-
- "hg38"
- "foo.txt"
- "bar.txt"

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