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baerwin edited this page Sep 12, 2012 · 3 revisions

Under construction...


Mac OSX:

Currently, CView can be built on Mac OSX using Mac Ports to get some of the CView dependancies. No installer has yet been made for Mac, but that is on the todo list.


There is a windows executable installer you can download from

Windows build instructions:

  1. Install GNUstep MSYS System, GNUstep Core, and GNUstep Devel from
  2. Install git and cmake
  3. Open the GNUstep shell (Start->GNUstep->Shell)
  4. Checkout the cview repository (git clone
  5. run: a. mkdir builld b. cd build c. cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" /path/to/cview-git/repository d. make (wait a long time for things to build) e. make package (to make the cview executable installer)`