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Command Line Interface (CLI) to submit samples to BioSamples using the Breeding API (BrAPI)


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BrAPI 2 BioSamples

Command Line Interface (CLI) to generate BioSamples ready JSON and to submit samples to BioSamples using the Breeding API. The submission is compliant with the MIAPPE BioSamples validation scheme.


  • The credentials of a BioSamples account. Register here.
  • The BioSamples account is added to a domain. This domain will be used as a parameter in the CLI.
  • A BrAPI endpoint of version 1.2/1.3 with following endpoints and attributes available:
    • /trials/{trialDbId}
    • /studies/{studyDbId}/germplasm
    • /germplasm/{germplasmDbId}
      • germplasmDbId
      • commonCropName
      • genus
      • species
      • accessionNumber
      • germplasmName
  • The trailDbId of a trial you want to submit the data of
  • Python >=3.5


Simply use following command line to install brapi2biosamples:

pip install brapi2biosamples


When brapi2biosamples is installed correctly it should be available through the command brapi2biosamples. You can easily test which version is installed with brapi2biosamples -v. The tool has several mandatory options:

brapi2biosamples [OPTIONS] 
Option Description Required
-v, --version Print version number
-t, --trialDbId The identifier of a trial yes
-e, --endpoint The URL towards the BrAPI endpoint, not ending with / yes
-d, --date The date of sample publication (example:2021-01-20T17:05:13Z)
-D, --domain The domain of your ENA account yes
--draft When this flag is given, the samples will not be submitted to BioSamples but exported as JSON
--dev When this flag is given, the samples will be submitted to the dev instance of BioSamples
--secret Path to a secret.yml file to deliver the BioSample credentials
--update Path to a tsv file to update submissions
--info Path to a info.yml file to deliver the extra attributes
--output Path to a directory where the JSON files are written to.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
--rename If the "germplasmDbId" is source specific reconstruct the name with "genus, instituteName and accessionNumber".
--decode Specify the fields that need to be decode by base64, split by coma. ex -c "field 1, field 2"
  • If the brapi2biosamples CLI is used with the --draft flag, it will dump the JSON files for submission in the working directory or in an output directory specified by the --output option. It is recommended to try out your endpoints this way before actual submission.
  • When the JSON look fine, remove the --draft flag in your command + the --secret option (mandatory on submission) and samples will be submitted to BioSamples. The --secret option points towards a .secret.yml file with. Please follow the syntax of the example secret.yml in this repository.
  • It is possible to submit to the BioSamples dev instance for testing purposes by adding the --dev flag to your command.
  • If you do not specify the sample publication date with the --date option, the current time will be used.
  • After submission a file will be created with all the BioSample accession numbers of the corresponding samples.

Injecting extra metadata missing in the BrAPI endpoints

Not all BrAPI endpoints contain all the necessary metadata one want submit with his samples. Using the provided info.yml it is possible to hardcode some metadata that could be missing in the endpoint.

The fields that are currently supported are:

  • biological material geographic location
  • sample description
  • ontologyTerms_organism
  • organism

Updating samples in BioSamples

In order to update the samples, one need to specify a tab separated file of two columns. This file is used as mapping between the germplasmDbId on BrAPI (first column) and the accession on BioSamples (second column). THis way no wrong data is written to the existing samples on BioSamples.

Zea_VIB_RIL_8W_1RIL8way___114	SAMEA8409916
Zea_VIB_RIL_8W_10RIL8way___124	SAMEA8409917
Zea_VIB_RIL_8W_11RIL8way___118	SAMEA8409918
Zea_VIB_RIL_8W_12RIL8way___120	SAMEA8409919
Zea_VIB_RIL_8W_13RIL8way___121	SAMEA8409920


Making BioSample json files

  • Minimal
    brapi2biosamples -t 1 -e "" -D --draft "self.pippa_submission"
  • With output directory defined
    brapi2biosamples -t 1 -e "" -D --draft "self.pippa_submission" --output ./test/

Submitting the samples to the dev instance of BioSamples

  • Minimal:
    brapi2biosamples --dev -e "" -t 1 -D "self.pippa_submission" --secret .secret.yml 
  • With with an additional info.yml file to inject metadata missing in the BrAPI endpoint
    brapi2biosamples --dev -e "" -t 1 -D "self.pippa_submission" --info info.yml --secret .secret.yml 

Updating samples on BioSamples

  • Minimal:
    brapi2biosamples -e "" -t 2 -D "self.PIPPA_samples" --secret.secret.yml  --update 20210315_trial2_submission_details.text


Command Line Interface (CLI) to submit samples to BioSamples using the Breeding API (BrAPI)






