Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey scripts for the html-based game Initium
Configuration Menu (press C to show):
Feature Status:
- ✅ WeatherForecast
- ✅ StatsDisplay
- ✅ ExtraIcons
- ✅ Debuffs
- ✅ MuteChat
- ✅ TrackStats
- ✅ ItemList
⚠️ NoRefresh
Script that displays the weather forecast for the current hour and for the next hour.
Displays your character's stats at the top of the page next to your name. W is for weight.
Displays two additional icons next to the settings one. Green for the community map and blue for the changelog.
Displays debuff icons for rainy and nighttime conditions because they have a negative impact on some gameplay elements.
MuteList functionality Commands
- /mute
- /unmute
UserList to see who has been online recently
1 hidden easter-egg
Tracks your stats for each attack performed. Supports multiple characters.
Displays the nearby items in a PagePopup, stacked on top of each other and sorted by quality. Clicking the number shown next to the top item shows the rest of the stack.
Stops the page from refreshing everything on the page instead of just refreshing the changed elements.
Currently only supports the combat page.