A Command-Line Interface (CLI) tool designed for analyzing URLs in text files.
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/ECE46100/group21-phase1.git
- Install the necessary dependencies:
./run install
- Test the program
./run test
- Run analysis on a given file
./run /path/to/your/url_file.txt
The tool will classify and process the URLs in the specified file, converting npm URLs to their GitHub counterparts (if available), and log any issues encountered during the analysis.
The input file should contain one URL per line. The tool will skip empty or invalid lines and handle errors gracefully.
Example of a valid file:
The tool logs important information using Winston:
Warnings for invalid or unknown URLs. Information about successful conversions (e.g., npm URL to GitHub URL). Errors for any issues during URL processing.
Running Unit Tests: The tests are written using Jest. You can run them by using:
npx jest /path_to_test_file.test
The tool uses mocks for external services such as npm registry lookups (via axios) and logging (via Winston).