Sweet Zhang 5/21/2023
The NCEI.py is a python script that is designed to process a NETCDF file that contains WOD data. There are 10 steps included in the pipeline that run various data verification tests to insure data quality. Please reference this google drive for example output/ input files, and needed binary files, the link is here.
This script creates a set of NETCDF files from a '.csv' file containing WOD data. This script does some preliminary error checks of the following fields:
- prof_flag: origin flag verification to make sure data is accurate
- Origin flag information link here
- datetime: makes sure date and time is valid
- longitude: value must be between - 180/180 and have valid units of 'decimal degrees'
- latitude: value must be between -90/90 and have valid units of 'decimal degrees'
- depth column: data must exist and have valid units of 'm'
- temperature column: data must exist and have valid units of 'degrees C'
- salinity column: if salinity data exists, must have valid units of 'PSS'
Any profiles failing the aforementioned tests will be excluded from the final NETCDF file. A log file will be generated containing a description of the failed test and the line number it occured at in the '.csv' file.
-i | Path of input directory where CSV files are stored |
-d | Path of directory where output NETCDF and log files will be stored |
Output files:
- Log file: log_[filename]_[YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM].txt
- NETCDF files: [filename]_[year].csv
Please see the preprocessing_examples folder inside the linked google drive for examples of data input and output.
- Input file: ocldb1525460187.4974.CTD.csv
- Output files: all '.nc' files in folder, a '.txt' log file
This script creates a set of NETCDF files containing processed data. The steps of the data verification process are outlined below.
- update_prof_and_tile_points_on_profiles(MITprofs, grid_dir, llcN, wet_or_all)
- Updates prof_points and tile interpolation points so that the MITgcm knows which grid points to use for the cost
- update_spatial_bin_index_on_prepared_profiles(sphere_bin, MITprofs, grid_dir)
- Updates each profile with a bin index that is specified from some file.
- update_monthly_mean_TS_clim_WOA13v2_on_prepared_profiles(clim_dir, MITprofs)
- Assigns the WOA13 T and S climatology values to MITprof objects.
- update_sigmaTS_on_prepared_profiles(MITprofs, grid_dir, CTD_TS_bin, respect_existing_zero_weights, new_S_floor, new_T_floor)
- Update MITprof objects with new T and S uncertainity fields
- update_gamma_factor_on_prepared_profiles(MITprofs, grid_dir, apply_gamma_factor, llcN)
- Updates the MITprof profiles with a new sigma based on whether we are applying or removing the 'gamma' factor
- update_prof_insitu_T_to_potential_T(MITprofs, replace_missing_S_with_clim_S)
- Updates profile insitu temperatures so that they are in portential temperatures
- update_zero_weight_points_on_prepared_profiles('adjust', MITprofs)
- Zeros out profile profTweight and profSweight on points that match some criteria
- update_remove_zero_T_S_weighted_profiles_from_MITprof(MITprofs)
- Remove profiles that whose T and S weights are all zero from from MITprof structures
- update_remove_extraneous_depth_levels(MITprofs)
- Remove profiles that whose T and S weights are all zero from from MITprof structures
- update_decimate_profiles_subdaily_to_once_daily(MITprofs, distance_tolerance, closest_time, method)
- Decimates profiles with subdaily sampling at the same location to once-daily sampling
Before running the script, there are some input parems to adjust within the function NCEI_pipeline located in the NCEI.py file. Between lines 25-65, the following paths will need to be set:
- grid_dir
- Path to grid_llc90 or grid_llc270 folder
- sphere_bin
- Path to sphere_point_distribution folder containing files llc090_sphere_point_n_10242_ids.bin and llc090_sphere_point_n_02562_ids.bin
- clim_dir
- Path to TS_climatology folder containing file WOA13_v2_TS_clim_merged_with_potential_T.nc
- CTD_TS_bin
- Path to CTD_sigma_TS folder containing files Salt_sigma_smoothed_method_02_masked_merged_capped_extrapolated.bin and Theta_sigma_smoothed_method_02_masked_merged_capped_extrapolated.bin
These files can be downloaded in the Dependents folder inside of the linked google drive. In addition to these paths, various input parems can be adjusted depending on user specifications. Step 1:
- llcN: this number should correspond to grid_dir (90 or 270)
- wet_or_all: 0 = interpolated to nearest wet point, 1 = interpolated all points, regardless of wet or dry
Step 4:
- respect_existing_zero_weights: 0 = no, 1 = yes
- new_S_floor: set this to zero if S_floor is unused
- new_T_floor: set this to zero if T_floor is unused
Step 5:
- apply_gamma_factor: 0 = remove gamma factor from sigma, 1 = apply gamma to sigma. Gamma factor is factor 1/sqrt(alpha), where alpha = area/max(area) of the grid cell area in which this profile is found.
Step 6:
- replace_missing_S_with_clim_S: 1 = replace, 0 = do not replace
Step 7:
- Various parems inside of if block pretaining to 'adjust' on lines 142 - 161 within script
Step 10:
- distance_tolerance: radius within which profiles are considered to be at the same location in meters
- closest_time: HHMMSS: if there is more than one profile per day in a location, choose the one that is closest in time to 'closest time' default is noon
- method: located within step10, choose method 0 or 1
Right below these steps located on lines 69-70, adjust parems steps_to_run and steps_to_save if there is need to step any step or save any intermediate files.
-i | Path of input directory where NETCDF files are stored |
-d | Path of directory where output NETCDF will be stored |
Output files:
- NETCDF files: [filename][step][number][DATA_FLAG][year].csv Example: if input NETCDF name is ocldb1525460187.4974.CTD_1995.nc, output filename will be ocldb15254601874974_step_10_CTD_1995.nc
Please see the processed_ex folder for examples of data output inside of the google drive.
- Clean up unpopulated fields in NETCDF files
- Memory allocation issue (step 4), figure out an more efficent way of computing interpolations
Author: Sweet Zhang, Ian Fenty Transferred to ECCO-GROUP 2024-05-16