Strokes are a leading cause of long-term disability and death Every 40 seconds, someone suffers from a stroke in the U.S Understanding risk factors can help with prevention and awareness Distinguish high risk patients Catching early symptoms can mitigate long-lasting effects Predict chances of having a stroke
Project data was obtained from
Original file type was Comma Separated File (CSV)
The data contains 5110 observations with 12 attributes
Each row in the data set provides relevant information about the patient
- gender : "Male", "Female" or "Other"
- age : age of the patient
- hypertension : 0: if the patient doesn't have hypertension 1: if the patient has hypertension
- heart disease : 0: if the patient doesn't have any heart diseases 1: if the patient has a heart disease
- ever_married : "No" or "Yes"
- Residence_type : "Rular" or "Urban"
- avg_glucose_level : average glucose level in blood
- bmi : body mass index
- smoking_status : "formerly smoked", "never smoked", "smokes" or "unkown"
- stroke : 1 if the patient had a stroke or 0 if not
Data Pre-Processing
- Obtaining Statistics
- Replacing Missing Values
- Removing Unnecessary Variables
Traning and Testing Data Split
- 60/40 Ratio
- Random State Selection