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This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 1, 2017. It is now read-only.


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Running the server

To run the project after checkout:

  • bundle install
  • npm install
  • bundle exec gulp serve

To run an already checked out project:

  • bundle exec gulp serve

You are welcome!

Site URL

The live version of the site can be found at

Content creation

Easy (wysiwyg)


Even though all content creation can be done through a github workflow, we recommend using Prose to create / manage / edit / delete content.

To use Prose to edit your files, just go here and authenticate:


When using Prose, you will have the ability to add and edit metadata from the top-right menu. Look for a list icon.


When using Prose, you can use the wysiwyg editor to upload and reference the photos. You also have the ability to select from existing images.

Advanced (github & code)


All the posts reside in the folder called _posts on the root of the app. You will also see that the content is organized in subfolders that each bear the same same as the category in which the article resides. This is optional but should be respected if possible.

Jekyll requires that the posts be named in the following format So for example, This however does not mean that the URL will reflect that but it really needs to be called as such to be picked up buy Jekyll as being a post and to be able to display the date.


Each post needs metadata up at the very of the document. Here are the ones that we need:

layout: post
title: The title of the article (will be capitalized on the site)
date: YYYY-MM-DD (this will override the date in the name of the file, it is recommanded to change the date here when updating the content and keep the filename date as the creation date)
published: true (or false)
category: name-of-the-category (should have only one)
order: 1 (the order in which you want to see the post appear from 1 to n, also need to readjust the other posts)


Categories & Buckets

The categories, even though they are associated via the post's frontmatter, are listed and order in a yaml file at _data/buckets.yml.

From that list,

  • change the title or the slug
  • you can reorder the categories (called buckets for the data part to avoid confusion in the templates)
  • add an intro to the category's page


All the attachments that you want to include in a post (images, pdf, etc.) need to be added in the uploads folder. They can be added to a subfolder in there as well, for sake of structure.

We added a filter to help you reference those files easily. It can be used like this: ![My helpful screenshot]({{ "flag.png" | uploads_url }}), where uploads_url will build the path to the assets.


If you want to link to an outside page, you can do so using this helper: [Name of Link]( You can append {:target="_blank"} to this helper to get the link to open in a new tab/window like so : [Name of Link]({:target="_blank"}.

If you want to link to a blog post on the site, you need to use a liquid helper as such [This is an example of a link to another blog post]({% post_url at-the-office/2015-01-01-coffee %}), where at-the-office is a sub-folder (if necessary) and 2015-01-01-coffee the full name of the post.


To specifiy which parts of the content is gonna populate the excerpts (listing pages, search pages, etc.), you need to add the following commentary in the post's content:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptates illum, reiciendis doloribus voluptas
consequatur cupiditate quas, vero eligendi error facere ipsam aliquam repellat et ipsum voluptatibus sequi! In, magni, aperiam!


Voluptates illum, reiciendis doloribus voluptas consequatur cupiditate quas, vero eligendi error facere
ipsam aliquam repellat et ipsum voluptatibus sequi! In, magni, aperiam!

The <!--more--> comment will determine where the excerpt ends.