BA Computer Science and Philosophy | October 2018 - July 2022
Created a simple multiplayer game in solidity. Compiled and deployed to the Rinkeby testnet using Hardhat. Verified contract code on Etherscan, which can be found at: 0x3B0210C9CD01605d9640a68db577D1e0B7a2386C
Implemented a simple convolutional neural network using Python and Keras to classify the MNIST dataset.
Implemented a simple feed forward neural network using Numpy. Then implemented a backpropgation learning algorithm again using Numpy.
Created a twitter bot using the GPT-3 API. The bot will reposnd to followed accounts with a response that has been trained based on the followed account's previous tweets. @140road
Scholarship and Lion Prize in Philosophy for performance in first year exams.
Bronze award (top 100) in British Maths Olympiad, 2017.
EthAmsterdam Hackathon Sponser Prize (Dune Analytics)