Pre-releasePre-Release of RIDE 4.5
WARNING: This is a pre-release version of RIDE 4.5: it is possible that functionality may be added, removed or altered; we do not recommend using pre-release versions of RIDE in production environments.
Add invalid.token and styling option
Use VS2015 to build ride package executable
Support homoglyphs as valid tokens
Support homoglyphs in idioms
Update dyalog website url in README to point to external source
Make session log lines styles configurable
Update protocol
Force jenkins jobs to run in serial, not concurrently
Change default window caption
Fix issues with growing shrinking edits
Fix issue with undo on last line
Mark whole group for execution if empty selection
Add basic support for group markers in old log format
Add new styles for session margin
Add handling of new log message type
Add support for margin decorators
Add apiVersion