Pre-releasePre-Release of RIDE 4.4
WARNING: This is a pre-release version of RIDE 4.4: it is possible that functionality may be added, removed or altered; we do not recommend using pre-release versions of RIDE in production environments.
Merge pull request #789 from tiamatica/throttle-wse-values
Ensure valuetips only requested once for each node
Get values only for visible items in WSE
Merge pull request #785 from tiamatica/prfbgcolor
Merge pull request #786 from tiamatica/statuswindow
open status window if auto status is set
auto status functionality
added auto status to Viev menu, SSW is now grouped with ASW
initialize status window
Merge pull request #787 from tiamatica/bonsai
node values set for table rows
render tree and show tooltip
Merge pull request #788 from abrudz/master
Add Star Wars entries
explanatory comments, fg on normal, fgo_p handling
removed ctrl comments
value tips in wse are now indented properly
valueTip fns and wse refresh tweaks
nodes in wse are now rendered with corresponding valueTip
implemeted value tip requests and response fns
trying to render wse as a table
new logic that hides bgcol when not applicable
Merge pull request #783 from tiamatica/linenrcontrast
Merge pull request #784 from tiamatica/defbgcolcharmat
changed default charmat bgo
increased dark mode toolbtn contrast
Merge pull request #781 from tiamatica/transparencylabel
changed label in color scheme
Merge pull request #780 from tiamatica/missingdscchar
add keywords from APLcart
Add Find and Replace menu items