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A lightweight replacement for Lodash

Why does this exist?

There are some high level goals for this repo;

  • To show that you might not need to import Lodash to achieve your goals
  • More feature complete than You Don't Need Lodash/Underscore, and with tests to verify/support
  • A method for me to learn how some of these functions actually work
  • This isn't meant to be a complete replacement for every Lodash function
  • Each function probably isn't designed to cater to every situation that Lodash does ("good enough" rather than "perfect")
  • Lodash doesn't treat each function in isolation, this library does for easy copy & pasting
    • Lodash re-uses a lot of functions as helpers or uses it's own collection of helpers, obscuring what the function is actually doing
    • This should mean that each function in this library should be copy-pasteable
    • This is also only achieved if each function is dependency free (even at the cost of duplication of logic)
  • To leverage TypeScript for protection against edge cases, rather than protecting for them in code

Why no barrel imports?

While bundling the code for the browser, tree-shaking of libraries such as Lodash happens automatically. However, testing frameworks such as Jest don't do this tree-shaking by design. This means that Jest will load the entire library (such as Lodash) into memory for each test file, using a lot of memory and causing slower tests.

In practise, removing barrel imports halved the run time of tests at my company despite the codebase increasing in size by 40%.

Function list

Function Version exists?
(Array) _.chunk /src/chunk/chunk.ts
(Array) _.compact /src/compact/compact.ts
(Array) _.concat /src/concat/concat.ts
(Array) _.difference /src/difference/difference.ts
(Array) _.differenceBy /src/differenceBy/differenceBy.ts
(Array) _.differenceWith /src/differenceWith/differenceWith.ts
(Array) _.drop /src/drop/drop.ts
(Array) _.dropRight /src/dropRight/dropRight.ts
(Array) _.dropRightWhile
(Array) _.dropWhile
(Array) _.fill
(Array) _.findIndex
(Array) _.findLastIndex
(Array) _.first -> head
(Array) _.flatten /src/flatten/flatten.ts
(Array) _.flattenDeep /src/flattenDeep/flattenDeep.ts
(Array) _.flattenDepth /src/flattenDepth/flattenDepth.ts
(Array) _.fromPairs
(Array) _.head
(Array) _.indexOf
(Array) _.initial
(Array) _.intersection
(Array) _.intersectionBy
(Array) _.intersectionWith
(Array) _.join
(Array) _.last
(Array) _.lastIndexOf
(Array) _.nth
(Array) _.pull
(Array) _.pullAll
(Array) _.pullAllBy
(Array) _.pullAllWith
(Array) _.pullAt
(Array) _.remove
(Array) _.reverse
(Array) _.slice
(Array) _.sortedIndex
(Array) _.sortedIndexBy
(Array) _.sortedIndexOf
(Array) _.sortedLastIndex
(Array) _.sortedLastIndexBy
(Array) _.sortedLastIndexOf
(Array) _.sortedUniq
(Array) _.sortedUniqBy
(Array) _.tail
(Array) _.take
(Array) _.takeRight
(Array) _.takeRightWhile
(Array) _.takeWhile
(Array) _.union
(Array) _.unionBy
(Array) _.unionWith
(Array) _.uniq
(Array) _.uniqBy
(Array) _.uniqWith
(Array) _.unzip
(Array) _.unzipWith
(Array) _.without
(Array) _.xor
(Array) _.xorBy
(Array) _.xorWith
(Array) _.zipObject
(Array) _.zipObjectDeep
(Array) _.zipWith
(Collection) _.countBy
(Collection) _.each -> forEach
(Collection) _.eachRight -> forEachRight
(Collection) _.every
(Collection) _.filter
(Collection) _.find
(Collection) _.findLast
(Collection) _.flatMap
(Collection) _.flatMapDeep
(Collection) _.flatMapDepth
(Collection) _.forEach
(Collection) _.forEachRight
(Collection) _.groupBy /src/groupBy/groupBy.ts
(Collection) _.includes /src/includes/includes.ts
(Collection) _.invokeMap
(Collection) _.keyBy
(Collection) _.orderBy
(Collection) _.partition
(Collection) _.reduce
(Collection) _.reduceRight
(Collection) _.reject
(Collection) _.sample
(Collection) _.sampleSize
(Collection) _.shuffle
(Collection) _.size
(Collection) _.some /src/some/some.ts
(Collection) _.sortBy /src/sortBy/sortBy.ts
(Function) _.after
(Function) _.ary
(Function) _.before
(Function) _.bind
(Function) _.bindKey
(Function) _.curry
(Function) _.curryRight
(Function) _.debounce
(Function) _.defer
(Function) _.delay
(Function) _.flip
(Function) _.memoize /src/memoize/memoize.ts
(Function) _.negate
(Function) _.once /src/once/once.ts
(Function) _.overArgs
(Function) _.partial
(Function) _.partialRight
(Function) _.rearg
(Function) _.spread
(Function) _.throttle /src/throttle/throttle.ts
(Function) _.unary
(Function) _.wrap
(Lang) _.castArray
(Lang) _.clone
(Lang) _.cloneDeep /src/cloneDeep/cloneDeep.ts
(Lang) _.cloneDeepWith
(Lang) _.cloneWith
(Lang) _.conformsTo
(Lang) _.eq
(Lang) _.gte
(Lang) _.isArguments
(Lang) _.isArray
(Lang) _.isArrayBuffer
(Lang) _.isArrayLike
(Lang) _.isArrayLikeObject
(Lang) _.isBoolean
(Lang) _.isBuffer
(Lang) _.isDate
(Lang) _.isElement
(Lang) _.isEmpty /src/isEmpty/isEmpty.ts
(Lang) _.isEqual /src/isEqual/isEqual.ts
(Lang) _.isEqualWith
(Lang) _.isError
(Lang) _.isFinite
(Lang) _.isFunction
(Lang) _.isInteger
(Lang) _.isLength
(Lang) _.isMap
(Lang) _.isMatch
(Lang) _.isMatchWith
(Lang) _.isNaN
(Lang) _.isNative
(Lang) _.isNil
(Lang) _.isNull
(Lang) _.isNumber
(Lang) _.isObject
(Lang) _.isObjectLike
(Lang) _.isPlainObject
(Lang) _.isRegExp
(Lang) _.isSafeInteger
(Lang) _.isSet
(Lang) _.isString
(Lang) _.isSymbol
(Lang) _.isTypedArray
(Lang) _.isUndefined
(Lang) _.isWeakMap
(Lang) _.isWeakSet
(Lang) _.lte
(Lang) _.toArray
(Lang) _.toFinite
(Lang) _.toInteger
(Lang) _.toLength
(Lang) _.toNumber
(Lang) _.toPlainObject
(Lang) _.toSafeInteger
(Lang) _.toString
(Math) _.add
(Math) _.ceil
(Math) _.divide
(Math) _.floor
(Math) _.max
(Math) _.maxBy
(Math) _.mean
(Math) _.meanBy
(Math) _.min
(Math) _.minBy
(Math) _.multiply
(Math) _.round
(Math) _.subtract
(Math) _.sum
(Math) _.sumBy
(Number) _.clamp
(Number) _.inRange
(Number) _.random
(Object) _.assign
(Object) _.assignIn
(Object) _.assignInWith
(Object) _.assignWith
(Object) _.create
(Object) _.defaults
(Object) _.defaultsDeep
(Object) _.entries -> toPairs
(Object) _.entriesIn -> toPairsIn
(Object) _.extend -> assignIn
(Object) _.extendWith -> assignInWith
(Object) _.findKey
(Object) _.findLastKey
(Object) _.forIn
(Object) _.forInRight
(Object) _.forOwn
(Object) _.forOwnRight
(Object) _.functions
(Object) _.functionsIn
(Object) _.get
(Object) _.has /src/has/has.ts
(Object) _.hasIn
(Object) _.invert
(Object) _.invertBy
(Object) _.invoke
(Object) _.keys
(Object) _.keysIn
(Object) _.mapKeys
(Object) _.mapValues
(Object) _.merge /src/merge/merge.ts
(Object) _.mergeWith
(Object) _.omit
(Object) _.omitBy
(Object) _.pick /src/pick/pick.ts
(Object) _.pickBy
(Object) _.result
(Object) _.set
(Object) _.setWith
(Object) _.toPairs
(Object) _.toPairsIn
(Object) _.transform
(Object) _.unset
(Object) _.update
(Object) _.updateWith
(Object) _.values
(Object) _.valuesIn
(String) _.camelCase /src/camelCase/camelCase.ts
(String) _.capitalize
(String) _.deburr
(String) _.endsWith
(String) _.escape
(String) _.escapeRegExp
(String) _.kebabCase /src/kebabCase/kebabCase.ts
(String) _.lowerCase
(String) _.lowerFirst
(String) _.pad
(String) _.padEnd
(String) _.padStart
(String) _.parseInt
(String) _.repeat
(String) _.replace
(String) _.snakeCase /src/snakeCase/snakeCase.ts
(String) _.split
(String) _.startCase /src/startCase/startCase.ts
(String) _.startsWith
(String) _.template
(String) _.toLower
(String) _.toUpper
(String) _.trim
(String) _.trimEnd
(String) _.trimStart
(String) _.truncate
(String) _.unescape
(String) _.upperCase
(String) _.upperFirst /src/upperFirst/upperFirst.ts
(String) _.words
(Util) _.attempt
(Util) _.bindAll
(Util) _.cond
(Util) _.conforms
(Util) _.constant
(Util) _.defaultTo
(Util) _.flow
(Util) _.flowRight
(Util) _.identity
(Util) _.iteratee
(Util) _.matches
(Util) _.matchesProperty
(Util) _.method
(Util) _.methodOf
(Util) _.mixin
(Util) _.noConflict
(Util) _.noop /src/noop/noop.ts
(Util) _.nthArg
(Util) _.over
(Util) _.overEvery
(Util) _.overSome
(Util) _.propertyOf
(Util) _.range
(Util) _.rangeRight
(Util) _.runInContext
(Util) _.stubArray
(Util) _.stubFalse
(Util) _.stubObject
(Util) _.stubString
(Util) _.stubTrue
(Util) _.times
(Util) _.toPath
(Util) _.uniqueId


A lightweight replacement for Lodash







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