The pi is powered by a powerbank with 16.000mAh which is enough for more than 4 hours on a normal Raspberry Pi 3.
there is also a scoreboard-gui for a more user friendly interface.
very basic and not accurate wiring
how it looks:
apt install git python3-pip python3-full
python3 -m venv /opt/pythonenv
/opt/pythonenv/bin/pip install pip --upgrade
/opt/pythonenv/bin/pip install poetry
add /opt/pythonenv/bin:
to PATH in /etc/profile
give pi user access to SPI (Pin19) which is used ad data channel: usermod -a -G spi -G gpio pi
due to no real time clock we have to be able to set the time. add this line to /etc/sudoers
to give the pi user the permission to change the time:
pi ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/date
crontab pi user:
@reboot cd /home/pi/examples && /opt/pythonenv/bin/poetry run python
@reboot sleep 40 && wget -q localhost:7000/clock -O /dev/null
here are some helpful links which provided useful information for us: