The new private version have:
-Multilanguage support for all the paints.
-Always updated with the new paints.
-Methods for prevent bans in your server and you can use it always.
-Full support.
-Soon much more.
Interested people contact with (negotiable price).
You can see all my servers with it here
You want to support this plugin? you can with donations using Paypal to my account -> [email protected]
Upload .cfg file to addons/sourcemod/configs
Upload .smx file from the zip to addons/sourcemod/plugins
Upload .phrases.txt file to addons/sourcemod/translations
Add a entry called "weaponpaints" to addons/sourcemod/configs/databases.cfg
You dont need to upload the .sp file
If you already use a old version. Remove your database content and start since 0
A example of a basic databases.cfg is
Cvar (put in server.cfg):
sm_weaponpaints_c4 "1" // Enable or disable that people can apply paints to the C4. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
sm_weaponpaints_saytimer "10" // Time in seconds for block that show the plugin commands in chat when someone type a command. -1 = never show the commands in chat
sm_weaponpaints_roundtimer "20" // Time in seconds roundstart for can use the commands for change the paints. -1.0 = always can use the command
sm_weaponpaints_rmenu "1" // Re-open the menu when you select a option. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled.
sm_weaponpaints_onlyadmin "1" // This feature is only for admins. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. (Use the value 1 and try to keep this plugin secret for the normal users because they can report it)
sm_weaponpaints_zombiesv "1" // Enable this for prevent crashes in zombie and 1v1 servers for knifes. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. (Use the value 1 if you use my knife plugin)
Recommendations: dont advertise the plugin in sv_tags and use it only for admins