Takes all the files on your desktop and put them in folders according to extensions. NO MORE MESSY DESKTOPS! At least not on the outside :)
Feel free to join the channel and contribute, if you have already had a PR merged please join the channel. https://join.slack.com/t/organisedesktop/shared_invite/enQtMzA2NTI2MTI0MzY4LWRlOWRjOGM0YTJmYjFiZGU3ZTUzM2M0MTA2N2U3MzljMmFhNGIyODlmZDg2N2E1Y2EwOWFiZjcxMzYzYjcyMTk
The setup file isn't yet setup up properly (work in progress). To run the program download the repo and install the required packages then run the Clean.py file.
os getpass time sys tkinter
$ git clone https://github.com/blavejr/OrganiseDesktop.git