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The famous Game of Life is a cellular automaton invented in 1970 by John Horton Conway - the British mathematician. It is a zero-player game - the initial state fully determines the game evolution.
Despite no further input is required, the game is equipped with advanced interface including editing, saving/loading and navigating with touchscreen support (see in-game instructions for details).
Copyright (c) 2021 Dr. Nord
Make sure to use a modern browser (desktop or mobile).
Simply open the Game-URL, the game will run on page load.
Then find the (i)-button and read the game manual.
Have fun!
Design and development: Alexander Nord, aka 'Dr. Nord' - Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
📧 [email protected]
Dr. Nord's exclusive copyright. See the LICENSE.txt file for details.
Dedicated to my beloved Lana-Elegante. 💌