Releases: Dougley/DougleyBot
Version 2.0.0 Beta 1
Welcome to version 2.0 of DougleyBot!
This version features a revamped permission system and overall stability increases!
This repo is not going to be the main source for updates of this bot, for updates, switch to DougleyBot2.0
This repo is still going to be updated, but only with stability changes and maybe some new commands via pull requests.
And DougleyBot on Discord (The live version) is going to be upgraded to 2.0 when it leaves beta, if you want to stick with 1.3.8, run your own instance.
To run 2.0, you only need to add Redis to your current deployment environment, that's it!
Version 1.3.8
Version 1.3.7
Even more improvements
Version 1.3.6
Even more improvements
Version 1.3.5
General improvements
Version 1.3.4
Fixed crashing in DM and a couple of other things
(Hotfixed version 2)
Version 1.3.3
Added a logger that will write logs to a file, improving debugging capabilities
Version 1.3.1
Small hotfix related to package.json
Version 1.3
Massive improvements and many more
Version 1.2.13
Massive improvements