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Daniel Buscombe edited this page Feb 23, 2023 · 2 revisions


  • XBD-hurricanes subset is a dataset for segmentation of buildings in hurricane-affected areas in high-resolution imagery. A dataset of high resolution (cm - m) oblique aerial imagery, labeled according to the following classes:
  1. No-damage
  2. Minor-damage
  3. Major-damage
  4. No-building
  • dataset:
  • dataset citation: Ritwik Gupta, Bryce Goodman, Nirav Patel, Ricky Hosfelt, Sandra Sajeev, Eric Heim, Jigar Doshi, Keane Lucas, Howie Choset, and Matthew Gaston. Creating xbd: A dataset for assessing building damage from satellite imagery. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, June 2019.

Example labeled imagery

formodelnoaug_ex28 formodelnoaug_ex58 formodelnoaug_ex76

Model for 768x768 imagery, building/no-building

Training curve for the best model:

Some example validation outputs:

xbd_building_RGB_768_v4_val_93 xbd_building_RGB_768_v4_val_97 xbd_building_RGB_768_v4_val_104 xbd_building_RGB_768_v4_val_132 xbd_building_RGB_768_v4_val_137

Model for 768x768 imagery, building damage

Training curve for the best model:

Some example validation outputs:

xbd_RGB_768_v3_val_73 xbd_RGB_768_v3_val_84 xbd_RGB_768_v3_val_112 xbd_RGB_768_v3_val_113 xbd_RGB_768_v3_val_127