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Donkie edited this page Nov 6, 2024 · 2 revisions

Spoolman can be installed in two ways, either using Docker or Standalone on your machine.

  • The Docker method can be used on any OS which supports Docker.
  • The standalone method requires a Debian (e.g. Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS) or Arch-based Linux distribution.
    • If you know what you're doing you can also install it standalone for any OS such as Windows, but there are no provided scripts for automated installation, follow the "Install from Source" instructions below.

Docker is the recommended installation method since it is more reliable and portable.

Spoolman comes with a built-in SQLite database that is used by default and will suit most users needs. The data is stored in a single .db file in the server's user directory. You can optionally instead use a PostgreSQL, MySQL or CockroachDB database.

Docker Install

First install

Docker is a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in "containers". Containers are lightweight, portable, and self-contained environments that can run on any machine with Docker installed. The Spoolman docker image contains everything it needs to run, so you don't need to worry about for example what Python version you have installed on your local machine.

To install Docker on your machine, follow the instructions for your operating system on the Docker website. Docker also includes the docker-compose tool which lets you configure the container deployment in a simple yaml file, without having to remember all the command line options. Note: older versions of docker-compose require you to have a dash (-) in the following commands, like docker-compose instead of docker compose.

Here is a sample docker-compose config to get you started. Create a folder called spoolman in your home directory, CD in to it, copy-paste the below sample into a file called docker-compose.yml in the new directory and run docker compose up -d to start it. If you want to use the SQLite database as in this sample, you must first create a folder called data in the same directory as the docker-compose.yml, then you should run chown 1000:1000 data on it in order to give it the correct permissions for the user inside the docker container.

version: '3.8'
    restart: unless-stopped
      # Mount the host machine's ./data directory into the container's /home/app/.local/share/spoolman directory
      - type: bind
        source: ./data # This is where the data will be stored locally. Could also be set to for example `source: /home/pi/printer_data/spoolman`.
        target: /home/app/.local/share/spoolman # Do NOT modify this line
      # Map the host machine's port 7912 to the container's port 8000
      - "7912:8000"
      - TZ=Europe/Stockholm # Optional, defaults to UTC

Once you have it up and running, you can access the web UI by browsing to http://server.ip:7912. Make sure that the data folder you created now contains a spoolman.db file. If you cannot find this file in your machine, then your data will be lost every time you update Spoolman.

Type docker compose logs in the terminal to see the server logs.

If you want to modify things like database connection, add environment variables to the environment: section of the docker-compose.yml like shown in the sample above and then restart the service: docker compose restart. See the .env.example file for a list of all environment variables you can use.


If a new version of Spoolman has been released, you can update to it by first browsing to the directory where you have the docker-compose.yml file and then running docker compose pull && docker compose up -d.

Standalone Install

First install

This installation method assumes you are using a Debian-based Linux distribution such as Ubuntu or Raspberry Pi OS. If you are using Arch, or any other distribution, please modify as appropriate.

Make sure your current directory is in your logged in user's home directory. Copy-paste the entire below command and run it on your machine to install the latest release of Spoolman.

sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install -y curl jq && \
mkdir -p ./Spoolman && \
source_url=$(curl -s | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name == "").browser_download_url') && \
curl -sSL $source_url -o && unzip -d ./Spoolman && rm && \
cd ./Spoolman && \
bash ./scripts/

If you want to modify things like database connection, edit the .env file in the Spoolman folder and restart the service.


Updating a standalone-installed Spoolman is quite simple. If you use the default database type, SQLite, it is stored outside of the installation folder (in ~/.local/share/spoolman), so you will not lose any data by moving to a new installation folder.

Copy-paste the entire below commands and run it on your machine to update Spoolman to the latest version. The command assumes your existing Spoolman folder is named Spoolman and is located in your current directory.

# Stop and disable the old Spoolman service
sudo systemctl stop Spoolman
sudo systemctl disable Spoolman
systemctl --user stop Spoolman
systemctl --user disable Spoolman

# Download and install the new version
mv Spoolman Spoolman_old && \
mkdir -p ./Spoolman && \
source_url=$(curl -s | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name == "").browser_download_url') && \
curl -sSL $source_url -o && unzip -d ./Spoolman && rm && \
cp Spoolman_old/.env Spoolman/.env && \
cd ./Spoolman && \
bash ./scripts/ && \
rm -rf ../Spoolman_old

Install from source

Advanced users only.

If you want to run the absolute latest version of Spoolman, you can either use the edge tagged Docker image, or follow these steps to install from source. Keep in mind that this is straight from the master branch which may contain unfinished and untested features. You may also not be able to go back to a previous version since the database schema may change.

  1. Make sure you have at least NodeJS 20 or higher installed, and Python 3.9 or higher installed.
  2. Clone this repo or download the zip source.
  3. Inside the client/ folder:
    1. Create a .env file with VITE_APIURL=/api/v1 in it
    2. Run npm ci && npm run build
  4. Install PDM using pip install --user pdm
  5. Build the requirements.txt file: pdm export -o requirements.txt --without-hashes > requirements.txt
  6. Give scripts permissions: chmod +x ./scripts/*.sh
  7. Run the installer script like the normal install: ./scripts/