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Darktable Camera Support

Generate list of cameras supported by darktable.

By default the list will be generated from the current development version, so may not reflect what the stable version supports.


camera-support [-libraw <path>] [-rawspeed <path>] [-rawspeeddng <path>] [-wbpresets <path>] [-noiseprofiles <path>] [-stats <stdout;table;text>] [-format <md|tsv|none>] [-thformatstr <...;...>] [-segments <1-6>] [-fields <...|no-maker|all|all-debug>] [-bools <...;...>] [-escape] [-unknown] [-unsupported] [<output path>]

All options that take a file path accept either a URL (starting with https://) or a relative local path.


imageio_libraw.c location. If empty (""), LibRaw cameras will not be included. Default:


cameras.xml location. Default:


rawspeed-dng.csv location. This is a list of supported DNG cameras, that have WB presets or noise profiles, but are not in cameras.xml. CSV file, with one Maker and one Model column. Default: ./rawspeed-dng.csv


wb_presets.json location. Default:


noiseprofiles.json location. Default:


Print statistics. Semicolon delimited list: stdout;table;text. stdout prints to the terminal at the end of normal output. table adds stats to table headers. text prints a paragraph with key stats before the Markdown table. Default is nothing.


Output format. md is Markdown table. tsv is tab separated values. none creates no output. Useful if only interested in statistics. Default is Markdown.


Format string to use for table headers with statistics. Format is no-percent;with-percent with a semicolon delimiter. Default is %v (%v);%v (%v / %v%%). See Go's fmt docs for details:
Also accepts Markdown formatting allowed in tables.


Segments tables by maker, adding a header using the specified level (1-6).


Semicolon delimited list of fields to print. See the camera struct in camera-support.go for valid fields. Not case-sensitive. Presets: no-maker|all|all-debug Default is Maker;Model;Aliases;WBPresets;NoiseProfiles;Decoder.


Text to use for boolean fields. Format is true;false with a semicolon delimiter. Accepts Markdown formatting allowed in tables.


Escape Markdown characters in Model and Aliases fields.


Include cameras with unknown support status. These are cameras that are in wb_presets.json or noiseprofiles.json, but not in cameras.xml, imageio_libraw.c or rawspeed-dng.csv. Also affects statistics.


Include unsupported cameras. Also affects statistics.

<output path>

Output file. Defaults to stdout.

-h / -help

Prints a short version of this help.


Generate list of cameras supported by darktable



