The Conditional Registration Process System is a web application I built using the Django framework. It allows users to register for an account on the system, but with a twist: the registration process is conditional, meaning that certain fields or steps in the process are only displayed or required based on the user's input or previous selections.
Registeration Form(Public Sector) Integrated with AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) technology, which allows for dynamic and seamless updates to the form without the need to refresh the entire page.
I welcome and appreciate contributions to this open-source project!
- Fork this repository on GitHub
- Clone this repository to your local machine
- Create a new branch for your changes
- Add your changes
- Run tests (if applicable)
- Commit your changes with a clear and descriptive commit message
- Push your changes to your fork on GitHub
- Open a Pull Request and include a clear and descriptive title and explanation of your changes
- I will review and merge your changes
This guide will help you install Django for the first time on your local machine.
- Python3 installed on your machine
- Open the terminal and run the following command to install Django:
pip install django
- Verify the installation by running the following command:
django-admin --version
You should see the version number of Django that you just installed.
- Open the terminal and navigate to the desired directory where you want to create your Django project.
- Run the following command to create a new Django project:
django-admin startproject projectname
Replace "projectname" with the name of your project.
- Navigate into the project directory using the following command:
cd projectname
- Run the following command to start the development server:
python runserver
Your Django project is now up and running on your local machine. Open your web browser and go to to see the default Django page ❣️