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Build and Source Instructions

First things first you need to run catkin_make in the root of the ROS Workspace (Also the root of the git repo)

This will add two folders build and devel. In devel there are three files called setup.bash setup.zsh. These are the setup files in the syntax of three common shells. As I'm pretty sure I'm the only guy hipster enough to use zsh for my shell, I'll explain this setup for bash but the method is the same for all three.

In your .bashrc file you need to add the line source /path/to/solder_paste_workspace/devel/setup.bash anywhere in the file. /path/to being the path to wherever you placed the workspace.

I would also reccomend adding this line:

alias bashupdate="source ~/.bashrc"

This allows you to run the command bashupdate which will re-source your .bashrc file. This is especially important when you make new packages or executables, otherwise they won't show up in rosrun or roslaunch without first closing and reopening your terminal. This just lets you skip that step.

Creating Packages

ROS Tutorials for how to create ROS Packages

Make sure to know what your package will rely on. If you are editing a known package you can set the dependencies to match the listed dependencies on that packages ROS page. Otherwise if you keep track of what your stuff relys on you just have to put the name of the packages in the depends arguments.

For example. If I am writing a node that used the vision_opencv package (I use it for the image_transport package mainly) I would create my package by catkin_create_package MY_PACKAGE_NAME vision_opencv roscpp rospy std_msgs ETC_DEPENDENCIES


  1. moveit!
  2. ROS industrial
  3. ROS Serial
  4. USB Camera

Simulation using Gazebo

  1. Launch gazebo environment for abb_irb120 (more objects to be added) roslaunch abb_irb120_gazebo irb120_gazebo2.launch

  2. Launch move_group with rviz for visualization roslaunch abb_irb120_moveit_config move_group.launch

  3. Run motion control programe which calls move_group_interface rosrun moveit_tutorials move_group_interface_tutorial

Simulation using Robot Studio

  1. Follow the official tutorial to set up

  2. Connect Robot Studio with ROS roslaunch abb_irb120_support robot_interface_download_irb120.launch robot_ip:=ip_address my address is

  3. Launch moveit planning execution and don't run the following commands if you just want to see how it works roslaunch abb_irb120_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch

  4. Or Launch move group if you want to control the robot by your code roslaunch abb_irb120_moveit_config move_group.launch

  5. Run the robot rosrun moveit_nodes move_group_interface In rviz, choose Key Tool and click 'n' in keyboard for next step. After running this, you can see the robot moves to several poses.

Work with real Robot

  1. Connect Robot with Ethernet cable and build a connection between Ubuntu and the robot

  2. Connect ROS to the robot roslaunch abb_irb120_support robot_interface_download_irb120.launch robot_ip:=

  3. Follow the steps in 5.3

Run camera using usb_camera in ROS

rosrun usb_cam usb_cam_node _video_device:=/dev/video1 _camera_name:=cam1

Final usage guide

  1. Connect Robot with Ethernet cable and build a connection between Ubuntu and the robot

  2. Connect ROS to the robot roslaunch abb_irb120_support robot_interface_download_irb120.launch robot_ip:=

  3. Run gerber import server rosrun gerber_import gerber_import

  4. Build the connection between ROS and Arduino rosrun rosserial_python _baud:=57600 _port:=/dev/ttyACM0

Use the following command to see what is the name of the Arduino port. dmesg | grep tty

If you don't have permission to do that, just try this sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0

  1. Run pneumatic control server rosrun paste_arduino

  2. Run trajectory generation rosrun abb_control

  3. Run soldering paste task rosrun abb_control


For RBE S18 Dynamics - Solder Paste Group Project






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