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Book details

Ahmad K. Bawaneh edited this page Nov 7, 2021 · 1 revision

To view/edit book details, we will first update the book list so that when we click on a book in the list it will change the token in the URL, the new token will activate the book details proxy, we will initially open the book in read only mode, then when we click edit button we will turn it into editable mode, we will preserve the edit mode between refreshes using a query parameter in the URL.

  • Open BooksViewImpl and add a RowClickPlugin to the table config, which will make the clicking on a row in the table calls uiHandlers.onBookSelected(book)

    package org.dominokit.samples.library.client.views.ui;
    import elemental2.dom.HTMLDivElement;
    import org.dominokit.domino.api.client.annotations.UiView;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.Typography.Paragraph;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.datatable.ColumnConfig;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.datatable.DataTable;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.datatable.TableConfig;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.datatable.plugins.EmptyStatePlugin;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.datatable.plugins.RowClickPlugin;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.dialogs.ConfirmationDialog;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.grid.Column;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.grid.Row;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.icons.Icons;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.modals.BaseModal;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.notifications.Notification;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.utils.DominoElement;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.utils.TextNode;
    import org.dominokit.domino.view.BaseElementView;
    import org.dominokit.samples.library.client.presenters.BooksProxy;
    import org.dominokit.samples.library.client.views.BooksView;
    import org.dominokit.samples.library.shared.model.Book;
    import java.util.List;
    import static org.jboss.elemento.Elements.b;
    @UiView(presentable = BooksProxy.class)
    public class BooksViewImpl extends BaseElementView<HTMLDivElement> implements BooksView{
        private BooksUiHandlers uiHandlers;
        private LocalListDataStore<Book> dataStore;
        private DominoElement<HTMLDivElement> root = DominoElement.div();
        public HTMLDivElement init() {
            TableConfig<Book> tableConfig = new TableConfig<Book>()
                    .addColumn(ColumnConfig.<Book>create("title", "Title")
                            .setCellRenderer(cellInfo -> TextNode.of(cellInfo.getRecord().getTitle()))
                    .addColumn(ColumnConfig.<Book>create("author", "Author")
                            .setCellRenderer(cellInfo -> TextNode.of(cellInfo.getRecord().getAuthor()))
                    .addColumn(ColumnConfig.<Book>create("year", "Year")
                            .setCellRenderer(cellInfo -> TextNode.of(cellInfo.getRecord().getYear() + ""))
                    .addColumn(ColumnConfig.<Book>create("publisher", "Publisher")
                            .setCellRenderer(cellInfo -> TextNode.of(cellInfo.getRecord().getPublisher()))
                    .addColumn(ColumnConfig.<Book>create("price", "Price")
                            .setCellRenderer(cellInfo -> TextNode.of(cellInfo.getRecord().getCost() + ""))
                    .addColumn(ColumnConfig.<Book>create("action", "Action")
                            .setCellRenderer(cellInfo -> Icons.ALL.trash_can_mdi()
                                    .addClickListener(evt -> {
                    .addPlugin(new EmptyStatePlugin<>(Icons.ALL.format_line_weight_mdi(), "No books found"))
                    // adding the row click plugin
                    .addPlugin(new RowClickPlugin<>(tableRow -> uiHandlers.onBookSelected(tableRow.getRecord())));
            dataStore = new LocalListDataStore<>();
            DataTable<Book> dataTable = new DataTable<>(tableConfig, dataStore);
            return root.element();
        public void setUiHandlers(BooksUiHandlers uiHandlers) {
            this.uiHandlers = uiHandlers;
        public void setBooks(List<Book> books) {
        public void showError(String errorMessage) {
        public void confirmDelete(Book book) {
            ConfirmationDialog.create("Delete Book")
                    .appendChild(Paragraph.create("Are you sure you want to delete book : ")
                    .onConfirm(dialog -> {
  • Create the void onBookSelected(Book book) in the BooksUiHandlers interface.

  • Implement the new method in the BooksProxy to fire the token books with the selected book title appended as a path.

        public void onBookSelected(Book book) {
            history().fireState(history().currentToken().appendPath(book.getTitle()).appendParameter("editable", "false"));
  • Use Domino-cli to create a new proxy BookDetailsProxy by executing the following command

    dominokit gen module -n library -p bookDetails -sp library

  • In the library-shared module delete the BookDetailsService, we will be using the BooksService instead.

  • In the BookDetailsProxy remove the BookDetailsService import.

  • Set the proxy parent to books.

  • Set the routing token to books/:title.

  • Set the slot to Slots.CONTENT

  • Add a field of type Book and the name book to keep a reference to the book we are viewing.

  • Add a field of type String and name title annotated with @PathParameter

  • Add a field of type List<String and name editable annotated with @QueryParameter

    Notice that query parameters are always lists, since they accept multiple values

  • Delete the onBookDetailsInit method.

  • Remove the body of the onBookDetailsRevealed details method, and replace it with a call to load the book

        public void onBookDetailsRevealed() {
                    .onSuccess(book -> editBook(book, isEditableState()))
                    .onFailed(failedResponseBean -> view.onError(failedResponseBean.getBody()))
  • Implement the isEditableState() to read the edit state from the query parameter

        private boolean isEditableState() {
            return nonNull(editable) && !editable.isEmpty() && Boolean.parseBoolean(editable.get(0));
  • Implement the editBook method to keep a reference to the book, edit the book in the view, and change the edit state based on the editableState flag.

        private void editBook(Book book, boolean editableState) {
  • Implement the setEditable method to update the URL with the editable flag

      private void setEditable(boolean editableState) {
          if (history().currentToken().hasQueryParameter("editable")) {
              history().pushState(history().currentToken().replaceParameter("editable", "editable", editableState + ""));
          } else {
              history().pushState(history().currentToken().addQueryParameter("editable", editableState + ""));
  • Next we implement the methods required by the view, but first we create the needed methods in the BookDetailsView

  • In the BookDetailsView interface remove the welcomeMessage method and add the methods void onError(String message), void setEditable(boolean editable),void edit(Book book), Book save()

In next steps we will implement the UI for books details, we will implement the actual form that display the book details as a separate component to use it later for the creating a new book, we will also use GWT editors to bind the fields and values from the book pojo.

  • Add the GTW editors processor maven dependency to the library-frontend-ui module

  • Without digging deep in the details of the BookComponent, here is how it should look like

    package org.dominokit.samples.library.client.views.ui;
    import elemental2.dom.HTMLDivElement;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.forms.DoubleBox;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.forms.FieldsGrouping;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.forms.Select;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.forms.SelectOption;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.forms.TextBox;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.forms.validations.ValidationResult;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.grid.Column;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.grid.Row;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.utils.BaseDominoElement;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.utils.DominoElement;
    import org.dominokit.samples.library.shared.model.Book;
    import org.gwtproject.editor.client.Editor;
    import org.gwtproject.editor.client.SimpleBeanEditorDriver;
    import org.gwtproject.editor.client.annotation.IsDriver;
    public class BookComponent extends BaseDominoElement<HTMLDivElement, BookComponent> implements Editor<Book> {
        interface Driver extends SimpleBeanEditorDriver<Book, BookComponent> {
        TextBox title;
        TextBox author;
        Select<Integer> year;
        TextBox publisher;
        DoubleBox cost;
        private DominoElement<HTMLDivElement> root = DominoElement.div();
        private FieldsGrouping fieldsGrouping = FieldsGrouping.create();
        private Driver driver;
        private Book book;
        public BookComponent() {
            title = TextBox.create("Title")
            author = TextBox.create("Author")
            year = Select.<Integer>create("Year")
                    .apply(self -> {
                        IntStream.range(1500, 2022)
                                .forEach(value -> self.appendChild(SelectOption.<Integer>create(value, value + "", value + "")));
            publisher = TextBox.create("Publisher")
            cost = DoubleBox.create("Price")
                    .addValidator(() -> {
                        if (cost.getValue() < 0) {
                            return ValidationResult.invalid("Price should not be negative");
                        return ValidationResult.valid();
            driver = new BookComponent_Driver_Impl();
        public boolean isValid(){
            return fieldsGrouping.validate().isValid();
        public void edit(Book book) {
        public Book save() {
            return driver.flush();
        public void setEditable(boolean editable){
        public HTMLDivElement element() {
            return root.element();

    We will be delegating calls from the view to this component.

  • In the BookDetailsViewImpl We add a field of type BookComponent and init the view with a layout that adds edit, save, cancel and backToList buttons, then we implement the edit and save methods to delegate to the BookComponent, we implement the showError method to show an error notification, and finally implement the setEditable to toggle the buttons visibility.

    package org.dominokit.samples.library.client.views.ui;
    import elemental2.dom.HTMLDivElement;
    import org.dominokit.domino.api.client.annotations.UiView;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.button.Button;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.grid.Column;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.grid.Row;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.grid.flex.FlexItem;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.grid.flex.FlexLayout;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.icons.Icons;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.notifications.Notification;
    import org.dominokit.domino.ui.utils.DominoElement;
    import org.dominokit.domino.view.BaseElementView;
    import org.dominokit.samples.library.client.presenters.BookDetailsProxy;
    import org.dominokit.samples.library.client.views.BookDetailsView;
    import org.dominokit.samples.library.shared.model.Book;
    @UiView(presentable = BookDetailsProxy.class)
    public class BookDetailsViewImpl extends BaseElementView<HTMLDivElement> implements BookDetailsView{
      private BookDetailsUiHandlers uiHandlers;
      private DominoElement<HTMLDivElement> root = DominoElement.div();
      private BookComponent bookComponent;
      private FlexItem<HTMLDivElement> editElement;
      private FlexItem<HTMLDivElement> saveElement;
      private FlexItem<HTMLDivElement> cancelElement;
      private FlexItem<HTMLDivElement> backToListElement;
      public HTMLDivElement init() {
        bookComponent = new BookComponent();
        editElement = FlexItem.create();
        saveElement = FlexItem.create();
        cancelElement = FlexItem.create();
        backToListElement = FlexItem.create();
                .appendChild(Card.create("Book details")
                                                                .addClickListener(evt -> uiHandlers.onEdit()))
                                                                .addClickListener(evt -> uiHandlers.onSave()))
                                                                .addClickListener(evt -> uiHandlers.onCancel()))
                                                                .setContent("Books list")
                                                                .addClickListener(evt -> uiHandlers.onBackToList())))
        return root.element();
      public void edit(Book book) {
      public void onError(String message) {
      public Book save() {
      public void setEditable(boolean editable){
      public void setUiHandlers(BookDetailsUiHandlers uiHandlers) {
        this.uiHandlers = uiHandlers;
  • Add the methods onEdit, onSave, onCancel, onBackToList to the BookDetailsUiHandlers interface.

  • Implement the added methods in the BookDetailsProxy like the following

  • onEdit Well change the view editable state, and toggle the editable flag in the URL by calling setEditable(true)

        public void onEdit() {
  • onSave Well make a rest call to update the book in the backend with the new data

    public void onSave() {
            .onSuccess(book -> editBook(book, false))
            .onFailed(failedResponseBean -> view.onError(failedResponseBean.getBody()))
  • onCancel Well cancel the edit operation and switch us back to readonly mode, and revert all changes we made to the book

    public void onCancel() {
            editBook(book, false);
  • onBackToList Will take us back to the books list

    public void onBackToList() {

Once you made this changes we will have working book details view, we can try it out by rebuilding the app and then hit refresh on the browser, then in the book list click on any book from the list and notice the changes in the URL, then try to play around with the buttons, try to refresh the page while editing a book and test the behavior, the editable state should be maintained.

Edit book