A plugin for judging players personalities in minecraft
- /judge Judge a random player who has been online within 48 hours and is not you
- /judge View the judgement on a specific player
- Install a Spigot server
- Download Judge
- Drop the Judge.jar into the plugins folder.
- Start your Spigot/CraftBukkit server. (Using /reload can have unwanted side effects with players still online, and with complex plugins dependencies, so it's not recommended.)
- Judge must be compiled with Java 8 compliance. Make sure you have a JDK 8 installed.
- Judge has been developed using Eclipse (But any other IDE should work as well)
- Checkout the Judge repo using git in a Command Line:
git clone https://github.com/DoggyCraftDK/Judge.git
- Open the Judge project folder in Eclipse (or another IDE of choice)
- Right click the Gods project folder in Eclipse and select "Run as maven build..."
- Click the "Run" button in the configuration window that appears
- The Judge.jar file will be compiled and available in the /target folder under your project folder