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29.06.2019 Kubernetes Workshop


This is to hold the slides and all demo material for the meetup / workshop


  • git [source control system]
  • Docker Desktop [container management tool]

Download the Docker Desktop application and install, if on Windows 10 switch to Linux context by clicking the Switch to Linux option from the whale in the tray.

Intro to Docker - Docker 101

docker logo

What is Docker?

Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package.


Navigate to the folder: 15.06.2019.Kubernetes.Workshop/demo/dockerfile

A documented specification what how to create your application so that it can be executed.


FROM node:11 AS build
RUN useradd --user-group --create-home --shell /bin/false app
ENV HOME=/home/app
RUN npm install -g @angular/[email protected] \
    && npm install @angular/[email protected] --save \
    && npm install yarn
COPY awesome-sauce .
RUN yarn install
RUN ng build

FROM nginx
ADD default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
COPY --from=build /home/app/dist/awesome-sauce /usr/share/nginx/html

Docker Image

A compiled specification of your software stored in a repository.

docker build .

Example: Docker will get the missing images

docker build


docker get packages

After the build you can see the images created by running:

docker images

Example: docker images untagged

docker untagged images

Name the image by tagging the image:

docker build -t awesome-sauce:1 .

tagged image

Run Image as a container

docker run -d -p 81:80 --rm awesome-sauce:1

Break down this command:

[docker runtime] [action] -[option: detached] -[option: bind ports] -[option: remove if existed] [image: required image]

docker run command Open the browser and go to http://localhost:81:

Awesome Sauce

Checking Containers

A quick way to get a list of the running containers is by running:

docker ps

docker running containers

Stop the container

To stop the container, use the name for the container from the docker ps command and run the docker kill .

docker kill brave_austin

docker kill container

Sharing Images


To push images you need to login to the image repository, after creating an account on Docker Hub, simply run:

docker login -u <username> -p <password>


docker login

Share your image with others as sharing is caring. After creating the repository on docker Hub, lets re-tag the image as per the Docker hub repository by running:

docker tag <image-hash> <new-name>


docker tag 38cb7753b9e8 dockerdurban/awesome-sauce

Now that we have a image tagged in our accounts namespace we can simply push the image:

docker push dockerdurban/awesome-sauce:1


docker push image

To see the pushed image open a browser and go to: dockerdurban/awesome-sauce.

Docker Compose

docker compose image

Docker comes with a tool to orchestrate your applications in a simple manner with a .yml file definition.

Navigate to the folder: 15.06.2019.Kubernetes.Workshop/demo/docker-compose


version: '3'

      image: awesome-sauce:1
          - '8090:80'
      image: redis:alpine

In this folder we have the docker-compose.yml which has the stack specification that is required for a deployment.

  • website that we created
  • some backend service, in this example a redis server

To run the deployment you can use the command docker-compose up in the directory that you have the file.

docker-compose up


docker compose terminal

Open the browser to the port in the docker-compose.yml file i.e. 8090

docker compose one

To bring the deployment down simple cancel the terminal and the engine will gracefully kill the containers.

kill compose

To run the deployment as a service run:

docker-compose up -d


detached docker compose

To see what deployments are running run the command:

docker-compose ps


docker compose list

That will detach the terminal and the deployment will run. To remove the deployment run the command:

docker-compose down


docker compose down

For more information check out Docker-Compose Deploy Stack

Kubernetes : 101

What is Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management.

It was originally designed by Google, and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

Navigate to the folder: 15.06.2019.Kubernetes.Workshop/demo/kubernetes

demo one deploy stack

Get Kubernetes on your machine

Click on the Docker desktop application, then click preferences / settings select Kubernetes and check enable Kubernetes.

demo one deploy stack


kubectl controls the Kubernetes cluster manager.

Check that all is working

kubectl get nodes


Docker comes with swarm as the default orchestrator, you can set the orchestrator for all deployments or set it when deploying the stack.


Set the orchestrator when deploying:

docker stack deploy --orchestrator kubernetes --compose-file demo-one-deploy.yml demo-one-stack

demo one deploy stack

kubectl get pods

demo one deploy pods

Remove Stack

docker stack rm demo-one-stack

Kubernetes top level

  • kubectl apply : Manages applications through files defining Kubernetes resources. It creates and updates resources in a cluster.


kubectl apply -f ./my-manifest.yaml           # create resource(s)
kubectl apply -f ./my1.yaml -f ./my2.yaml     # create from multiple files
kubectl apply -f ./dir                        # create resource(s) in all manifest files in dir
kubectl apply -f         # create resource(s) from url
kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx  # start a single instance of nginx
kubectl explain pods,svc                       # get the documentation for pod and svc manifests
  • kubectl get services: List all services in the namespace
  • kubectl get pods --all-namespaces: List all pods in all namespaces
  • kubectl get deployment my-dep: List a particular deployment
  • kubectl describe pods my-pod: Describe commands with verbose output

For more check out kubectl Cheat Sheet

Kubernetes Dashboard

kubectl apply -f

Now set the proxy so that you can navigate to the dashboard

kubectl proxy

Copy and paste into a browser:


demo one deploy pods

Get the token from kubctl

$TOKEN=((kubectl -n kube-system describe secret default | Select-String "token:") -split " +")[1]

Set the token to the cluster

kubectl config set-credentials docker-for-desktop --token="${TOKEN}"

Set the config file to the dashboard

  • Click on Kubeconfig and select the “config” file under /users/.kube\config

Once logged in you will see the dashboard.

kubernetes dashboard

Nodes in your cluster

kubernetes dashboard

Roles in your cluster

kubernetes dashboard

To Stop the dashboard simply exit the proxy command from earlier.



A unit of work, contains one or more containers


A worker machine in Kubernetes, part of a cluster.


A set of Nodes that run containerized applications managed by Kubernetes. For this example, and in most common Kubernetes deployments, nodes in the cluster are not part of the public internet.


A Kubernetes Service that identifies a set of Pods using label selectors. Unless mentioned otherwise, Services are assumed to have virtual IPs only routable within the cluster network.


kubectl apply -f awesome-sauce-deploy.yaml


This is to hold the slides and all demo material for the meetup / workshop







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