- Table of Contents
- Dependencies
- How to execute the programs
- Tf explanation
- Behavior tree
- Implements
- license
- Video_demostration
To use this program, you will need to have the following packages installed:
- ROS2
- Darknet ROS (version 1.2 or later): This package provides a pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN) for person detection using a camera.
- Groot: This is a graphical user interface (GUI) program that will allow you to manually control the robot. It is optional, but highly recommended.
- BehaviorTree.CPP: for the robot's actuaction we will use behaviour trees, by accessing the following link, you can clone the repository and follow the compilation steps: https://github.com/facontidavide/BehaviorTree.CPP
- ZMQLIB: as the behavior tree is external to ros, it needs an IOT communication middleware for the communication between nodes, this is why we use ZMQ.
You can install Darknet ROS by following the instructions in its GitHub repository:
Snippet (install Darknetros):
cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone --recursive https://github.com/leggedrobotics/darknet_ros.git
cd darknet_ros
git checkout ros2
cd ../..
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro foxy -y
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
You can also install Groot following the nexts steps: Snippet (install Groot):
cd ~/ros2_ws/src
colcon build
You can install ZMQ following the nexts steps: Snippet (install ZMQ):
# search libzmq
apt-cache search zmq
# install
sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev libboost-dev
First connect the base and the camera then : Snippet (launch base):
ros2 launch ir_robots kobuki.launch.py # Driver of the kobuki
Snippet (launch program):
ros2 launch seekandcapture_cibernots actuation.launch.py
The perception system implemented in the robot consists of publishing a transform with the position of the detected person.
For the detection of the person, darknet is used, which by means of different bounding boxes that show what is detected in the image, we can know if what is detected is a person or not.
With the person's bounding box, its center is found and its 3D point is obtained from the 2D image using the depth of the image by the pin-hole method of the camera.
With the 3D point a "detected_person" transform is created with respect to the fixed frame "odom", in this way we locate a person according to its transform.
Below is an image of the aforementioned transforms and a computer graph which graphically shows the different nodes that implement the created perception system.
Remember that the most basic operation is a tick (a function call) that propagates to the children and returns 3 possibilities: SUCCES, FAILURE AND RUNNING.
The behaviour tree starts from a parent node Repeat with an input port num_cycles which is equal to 3 and indicates that the behaviour tree will be completed 3 times. It enters a ReactiveFallback (if it returns success the first child, it does not pass to the next one) This node has 3 child nodes:
- Inverter: (decorator node that inverts what the child nodes return, if the child node returns SUCCESS, it changes it to FAILURE and vice versa.). This node has a ReactiveFallback child and this has two more childs:
- Detect Person
- Search Person
- ReachedPerson
- FollowPerson
The behaviour tree action nodes are explained below.
If the transform is not found or too much time has passed between transforms, return FAILURE and tick the next node (Search Person). In other case, return SUCCESS
The tree enters this node when the DetectPerson node returns FAILURE (reactive sequence) and rotates until it finds a person. This node always return RUNNING.
if it does not find the transform or if it finds it but the distance is not the requested one, it returns FAILURE. If the distance is the requested one, it publishes a sound and returns SUCCESS
Always it returns RUNNING. The BT tick this node when detects a person but it's not reached yet. A PID is used to approach the person by adjusting the linear and angular velocities. Below we will see how the PID is implemented.
The PID is a control algorithm that is used to control the speed of the robot's wheels, so that the robot can follow the person. We use 2 different PID, one for the linear speed and another for the angular speed.
The one for the linear speed is used to control the distance between the robot and the person, we adjust the linear speed so that the robot always tries to be at a certain distance from the person (specifically 1 meter). We calculate the distance between the robot and the person using the tf. The distance is the square root of the sum of the squares of the x and y coordinates of the tf. The PID is set whit minimum references of 0.1, maximum references of 0.7, minimum output of 0.0 and maximum output of 0.5. The values of the errors are are not touched, since they are the default values (KP_ = 0.41, KI_ = 0.06, KD = 0.53).
Foto teorema de pitagoras para explicar el calculo de la distancia
h = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
Snipet (PID linear)
// Create the PID with the values of the minimum references, maximum references, minimum output and maximum output.
linear_pid_(0.1, 0.7, 0.0, 0.5)
// Get the distance between the robot and the person
double distance = sqrt(odom2person.getOrigin().x()*odom2person.getOrigin().x() + odom2person.getOrigin().y()*odom2person.getOrigin().y());
// Get the linear speed using the PID
double linear_vel = linear_pid_.get_output(distance);
// Publish the linear speed
vel_msgs.linear.x = linear_vel;
One the other hand, the angular speed is used to control the angle between the robot and the person, we adjust the angular speed so that the robot is always at a certain angle from the person (specifically 0 degrees). The angle is calculated using the tf, the angle is the arctangent of the y coordinate divided by the x coordinate of the tf. The PID is set whit minimum references of 0.0, maximum references of M_PI_2, minimum output of 0.5 and maximum output of 2.0. The values of the errors are set to KP_ = 0.6, KI_ = 0.08, KD = 0.32.
Foto del uso de la arcotangente para calcular el angulo entre el robot y la persona
Snipet (PID angular)
// Create the PID with the values of the minimum references, maximum references, minimum output and maximum output.
angular_pid_(0.0, M_PI_2, 0.5, 2.0)
// Set de values of the errors
angular_pid_.set_pid(0.6, 0.08, 0.32);
// Get the angle between the robot and the person
auto err_ang = std::atan2(odom2person.getOrigin().y(), fabs(odom2person.getOrigin().x()));
// Get the angular speed using the PID
double angular_vel = angular_pid_.get_output(err_ang);
// Publish the angular speed
vel_msgs.angular.z = angular_vel;
In addition to all the above-mentioned implementations, we created some more that we did not have time to test.
To fix a person we looked at the time stamp of a tf and the distance varied, if it exceeded certain thresholds, the person would have changed. We also implemented a function to change the target, it consists of hitting the bumper, so that the robot is the one who must chase again. The robot, which will be listening on the topic of the bumper, when receiving an impact, will restart the bt. Finally, we added a subscriber to the lidar to be able to dodge local objects close to the robot, so that the robot would not crash and would have a safer navigation.
This work is licensed under a Apache license 2.0