Repository for planning and move through the hospital gazebo world using plansys2.
Launch the plansys2 bringup and action nodes + the gazebo world with the tiago robot
ros2 launch plansys2_hospital_l4ros2
Then launch the navigation separately (it couldn't be added to our launcher):
ros2 launch br2_navigation map:=/home/ivrolan/foxy_ws/src/plansys2-hospital-l4ros2/maps/hospital_map.yaml
The plansys2 controller that commands the different goals:
ros2 run plansys2_hospital_l4ros2 hospital_controller_node
Here we can see images of the gazebo world, the map created by the robot and the scheme that we will follow to define the problem in pddl format:
- Javier de la Canóniga: @javi-dbgr
- Iván López: @ivrolan
- Alejandro Moncalvillo: @Amglega
- Unai Sanz: @USanz