released this
10 Jul 09:49
[F] #1343 Init Quicksearch after Tree-Reload for all tabs
[F] Days allowed to manager access #568
[F] fix properties for instal snippet,modules,plugins
update MODxRE2_dropdown theme, refactor html form on elements and others pages
update FormLister
update Doclister
fix errors for php 7.2
first step to composer
fix pdf ico
fix smtp (now normal work in port != 25)
fix snippet IF (brocken in 9.1.6 now work &else)
add for codemirror (dark-one theme, auto on in dark-mode), now you can set шт settings font size
refactor action buttons
fix OnManagerNodePrerender, OnManagerWelcomeHome, OnManagerMenuPrerender
fix. .pdf.html to .pdf in URL
add parent and menuindex in open document from drag
update Datapicker
[F] when modx installed in folder, request of home page with parameters causes endless redirect
KCFinder thumb generation fixed on some php7 systems
[Fix] #1377 $modx->getDocumentChildrenTVars()
[F] check for 'register_globals' fixed #1370
You can’t perform that action at this time.