Simple and easy 1v1 racing for QBCore. Challange friends and foes without need for any ids, names or setting up a track. The scripts adds an option in qb-radialmenu that opens up new venues for racing. You can either set up for free, or use the pre-set buy-ins (can be changed in config).
This is how it works: You open radialmenu, pick the Head 2 Head option and then choose to setup using either no money or a buy in. Everyone close to you, and in a driver seat, will get an invite. First person to accept takes on the challange. A 5 second countdown starts, but no one is locked in place or whatever. This is all about impromptu racing, and race etiquettue. You'll both get a waypoint randomly chosen for you. First there wins. Easy as. The money is taken from the players upon race starting and given to winner when the winner reaches the goal.
Some "limitations" to the positioning system: It check's linear distance to the goal so it might be a bit off sometimes. Also if you get to far apart (outside each others render boxes) we can't track your distance. The postionign will say "-/2" when this is the case. But honestly, if you're taking different routes etc, isn't it more fun to not know? 😏
Support, updates and script previews:
All our scripts are and will remain free. If you want to support what we do, you can buy us a coffee here:
- No-fuzz racing
- Betting
- Built in high beam flashing cause it looks cool
- Position tracking
- Racing App implementation (like needing a fob to use and menus being available from fob)
- Outrun races, or cat and mouse races (like NFSU2, or NFSCarbons mountain races)
- Ghosting, like in our Racing App. Maybe.
- More racers than 2
- Adding this to any phone or laptop script
Debug: Activate debug mode. Can be activated in game with /cwdebughead2head SoloRace: used for debugging. Enables so the race starts with only 1 person. MinimumDistance: This is the minimum distance away a randomly selected waypoint can be (so you dont end up only racing around the corner) FlareTime: How long the flares are lit up FinishModel: What model to use for waypoint InviteDistance: How far the invite is sent MoneyType: What type of money to use (cash/bank/crypto) BuyIns: The values you can pick from in the menu InviteTimer: How long until the invite is considered old Finishes: List of Vec3s with the possible locations you can end up having to drive to