Tools used to configure the Jenknis continuous integration server.
Used to set the AccuRev stream for a job.
usage: SetStream.exe <xml file path> <stream name>
example: SetStream.exe config.xml v8.5.1
example: SetStream.exe c:\temp\config.xml "Temp Fix"
Note: I setup at least two jobs.
The first one is a configure job which changes the settings of the second job.
Use a few batch command steps in my configue job.
REM Delete XML files.
del config.xml
del config.xml.1
REM Download current config file.
c:\bin\wget.exe "http://myserver:8080/job/DemoJob/config.xml"
REM Set Stream Version
c:\bin\SetStream.exe "config.xml" "%STREAM_NAME%"
REM Upload config
c:\bin\wget.exe --post-file=config.xml "http://myserver:8080/job/DemoJob/config.xml"
The first job then starts the second job.