docker run -it --entrypoint su -v $(pwd):/home/publisher/ig hl7fhir/ig-publisher-base:latest publisher -s /bin/bash
Once docker has started up, you can build the IG with this command:
To create a blank IG using the ig publisher docker image you can run these commands:
docker run -it --entrypoint su -v $(pwd):/home/publisher/ig hl7fhir/ig-publisher-base:latest publisher -s /bin/bash
npm install -g fsh-sushi
sushi init
You can take the default values for now for testing.
Then you'll exit that docker instance to change to the newly created IG directory.
cd ExampleIG
docker run -it --entrypoint su -v $(pwd):/home/publisher/ig hl7fhir/ig-publisher-base:latest publisher -s /bin/bash
If on windows, use this command for docker instead:
docker run -it --entrypoint su -v %cd%:/home/publisher/ig hl7fhir/ig-publisher-base:latest publisher -s /bin/bash